
Sponsor of War: NAPC has entered the black list of the largest investor of the construction industry of the Russian Federation

According to the National Agency of Ukraine for the Prevention of Corruption, the leadership of the German company Knauf has close ties with the Kremlin authorities and actively contributes to the mobilization of its employees for war. The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption has included in the list of international sponsors of terrorism one of the largest manufacturers of building materials in the world - the German company Knauf.

The relevant statement was published on the NAPC website. According to the NAPC, for 2022 Knauf has supplemented the budget of the Russian Federation for the amount of almost $ 117 million, and actively promotes the mobilization of its workers for war in Ukraine. Last October, Knauf agreed with the authorities of the lists of its employees to mobilize. Over the last 30 years, the German company has invested more than € 1.

65 billion in the Russian economy and has a dozen subsidiaries, 20 plants and about 30 resource centers in the Russian Federation. During this time, Knauf has created more than 4 thousand jobs and is the largest investor in the construction sector of the Russian economy. According to the NAPC's statement, the management of the company had close ties with the Kremlin authorities.

Knauf co-owner, Nicolaus Wilhelm Knauf, was an honorary consul of the Russian Federation in Nuremberg for more than 20 years (from February 1999 to March 2022). After the start of a full -scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, the company officially stated that it is not going to stop its activity in the Russian Federation. "We stay in Russia as long as the political and commercial situation will allow us to do it. We are definitely responsible for more years, " - quotes NAPC Knauf statement.

According to NAPC, Knauf experts continue to build cities in the aggressor country. "This is particularly contrasting with thousands of destroyed residential buildings in Ukraine by the Army of Aggressor, which is funded by the Knauf taxes," the Anti -Corruption Department press service said. We will remind, Ukraine has introduced Nestle to the list of sponsors of war.

According to the National Agency of Ukraine for the Prevention of Corruption, Nestle explains its position by providing the population of the Russian Federation with goods of essentials and takes care of its more than seven thousand employees, which supports the economy of the aggressor. Earlier, Focus wrote that Ukraine has suspended a sponsor of war for the Hungarian OTP Bank.