
Weapons of Europe: Slovak 155 mm self-esteem EVA M2 completed the test (video)

SAU boasts automation of fire processes, as well as modern mechanisms for determining and automatic adjustment of the barrel position. The leading Slovak defense manufacturer, KonŠtrukta-Defence, has successfully completed a series of tests of its upgraded 155mm self-propelled artillery installation (SAU) EVA M2 6 × 6. This artillery system is intended to significantly strengthen the combat capabilities of the Slovak armed forces, reports Defense Blog.

The tests covered firing with combat shells, as well as tests for the strength and stability of the system structure. These measures also evaluated the key characteristics of EVA M2, such as firing accuracy, stability during a shot and the possibility of working in different conditions. According to representatives of the developer company, the results of the tests confirmed the high strength of the structure and operational reliability of the system.

The EVA M2 modernized artillery installation is built on the Tatra concept chassis, which covers the central bearing beam and the peel, which is independently returned. It is noted that this design provides high patency and stability in complex areas, including steep slopes and trenches. Additionally, the chassis is equipped with the front location of the engine and an armored cabin, which provides increased crew protection.

One of the key features of EVA M2 is the automation of fire processing processes. The SAU is equipped with modern mechanisms for determining and automatic adjustment of the position of the barrel, which ensures high precision of firing. And conveyors for ammunition and automatic loading system simplify and accelerate the process of preparation for firing, which is especially important in dynamic combat.

The EVA M2 fire control system allows you to centrally manage technical means and monitor their activities. The installation software includes the tasks of topographic, ballistic and technical training, which are processed directly in the onboard computer. This makes it possible to calculate real -time fire solutions, ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of artillery operations.