
That Russians hate the most

Igor Harin Writer, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Destabilization in Russia will not be hungry and not criminal in Putin's power, but her own historical genetics of HB publishes an excerpt Stream converting the brain of the nation into waste. This is true, but not all truth, because ignorance, low level of culture, dilage of training are also from historical genetics.

Therefore, the population of the Russian Federation does not have to be deceived for a long time: the Russian person is happy to confirm and demonstrate that the Mracobis and the Clouder. Moreover, it is proud of this, exposes its deception, proud of its pig. Economic poverty only exacerbates the misery of mental, degradation.

Video day, however, it is not easy to maintain common sense when the manipulation and deformation of the consciousness of the "deep people" are engaged in 30 federal and 259 regional TV channels, 700 radio stations, 48 ​​thousand newspapers and magazines, about half a million journalists plus all Internet resources of Prigoginsky . . . resources, for the boundless possibilities of induction of the masses to give a defeat for victory and famine for abundance - an empty work.

Volodymyr Pastukhov introduced the concept of "streaming consciousness". This is when the mythologists produced and distributed by the Kremlin propaganda, without critical resistance, are immediately embedded in mass consciousness and are further broadcast by millions of circulation, merging into a single endless stream. So the pathogenic virus embeds its gene material into the DNA of millions of cells attacked by it, so that they will endlessly reproduce themselves in automatic mode.

But in order for this to happen, the cells should have a tendency for this infection and have no immunity. It happened: almost 90% of the infection in the complete absence of spiritual protection . . . Psychopathology of absolute lies, which is imposed on almost absolute and blind faith. The phenomenon of collective guilt, it should be noted, unique . . . Yuriy Nesterenko testifies: “And there is no hope, for example, for generations.

Thus, in the occupied Sevastopol on the birthday of Stalin, the children joined the pioneers and sang the song of Visin. Of course, they were taught by adults, but who are these adults - NKVD veterans? No, mostly the parents of these children are Russians who grew up after the catastrophe of the USSR, besides (except for the invaders who have gone) - in free Ukraine (and again - for all the abominations And the CPRF, that is, was voluntary).

This is not treated - no longer treated and Russians "Vatnik" who have been living in the West for decades. Russia will never be free because freedom is that Russians hate the strongest. As Alexander Protopopov noted aptly, the Russians dream of being not even slave -owners, but supervisors. Because the slave owner is still the owner on which he is responsible for his farm. And the Russians dream not to work, to mock others with impunity, and at the same time nothing to answer.

Russia, which has become "free" is an ORDLO. The bandit arbitrariness that quickly turns into a new tyranny. "As a consequence, the average Russian is a terrible spectacle: an evil creature, completely devoid of empathy and compassion. It is not a military emotion generated civilization is the Russians themselves. Intoxication is mass and terrible. The contagious country, infected with chauvinism and abuse.

The beginning of the "special operation" of the population of Russia was introduced into a state of social trance, close in characteristics to mass hypnosis "(Vladimir Pastukhov). We would not have probability if there was a person like Putin then in power . . .

All this is on East too orical genetics: imperialism, eternal freedom, slavery, shaking, serfdom, notorious "Russian idea", Orthodox fundamentalism, Slavophilism, "special path", "great mission", "duplication hostile surroundings "," fifth column "and, finally, Putinism with unprecedented militaristic propaganda . . .

already the transfer of this" spiritual root "or" scree "says that the imperial-fascist ideology is still not on the landfill They found (although many seem to be there), and were associated with stems that reach their roots into the depths of Russian spiritual culture, into its dark basement.

And the demonstrated rudeness of Russian diplomats in the UN, Security Council, other international organizations? After all, the inadequate behavior of diplomats is not their personal emotions, but the position of the state they represent. It is diplomatic rudeness that is not a demonstration of strength or even weakness, but again derived from historical genetics.

“The delicate success of militaristic propaganda, which is observed today from Moscow to the outskirts, is by no means accidental and instant. It was only possible because the Kremlin has indeed acquired a full and perfect "ideological weapon of mass defeat. " The ideology of Russian hypernationalism (chauvinism) was able to unite the Kremlin elites not by the external, but internally, not by fear, but by faith.

I believe that much of the presidential environment is actually affected by this virus, and what we observe is not a presentation, not cynicism, but a kind of collective ecstasy of members of the semi -religious order ”(Vladimir Pastukhov).

Russian soldiers are bombing peaceful Ukrainian cities under the applauding of Russian society and with the blessing of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, who, after Russia's attack on Ukraine and the next wave of criticism, brazenly stated: “We have never wanted to fight with anyone, Russia has never attacked anyone. It is strange when a big and powerful country did not attack anyone, it only protected its borders.

" The point here is not even the usual lies of the patriarch, but in absolute moral deafness, namely in that historical genetics, in the nation and mental suicide. As it turned out, ten to twelve years is enough to bring the masses to a state of evil and aggressive troll.

It is clear that the representatives of the nation on whose behalf of the war in Ukraine will soon have to pay for all their historical inconsistencies: when bombs begin to fall or end products, Clio does not disassemble those who support and those who protest . . .

By the way, recently installed that in 1939–1940, about 40 Germans were arrested in Nazi Germany, who protested against the Hitler of War, and how many in the present Putin of Russia? This is especially dangerous when the war becomes protracted, the resources are melting in the eyes, and mobilization is increasingly similar to mobilization.

They say that the families of the dead receive financial compensation, but do not say that it is funny, the families of the dead often require a corpse, and where to take it when the state enrolled thousands of killed or rotten in the fields of Ukraine in the missing persons … It is not at all about the eclipse of consciousness of the Kremlin Fuhrer, but about the eclipse of consciousness of the zombio and deceived “deep people” - 80-90% of the population of a vast country.

And, as psychologists diagnose, it is an irreversible process. In addition, the longer Putin is in power, then the "collective Putin" is in the larger hole. If you hope that the mountains of the Putin soldiers will be able to awaken the consciousness of their mothers, wives, or other loved ones, then you are deeply mistaken: the guilty in their deaths will be Stepan Bandera and the current Dill.

And in general, to throw the ubiquitous enemies by the corpses of Russian soldiers is if you want a historical style of wars in this country . . . I fear that even a military defeat of the silent majority will be presented as another victory, and empty shelves in stores - as "approaches of the event.

" One way or another, destabilization in Russia will be caused not by the famine and not the criminal nature of the Putin authorities, but its own historical genetics, that is, a long way of non -fermentation, which slowly but probably leads to collapse. Respect for the lives of other people and their own is a condition of mental health. But the negative, burdened with violence and lies, historical heredity gives rise to a gravity, for which aggression, hatred and destruction are flourishing.

And the life, which is flourished by aggression, hatred and destruction, invariably leads to antisocial disorder of personality, the essence of which in the demonstration of complete disrespect for the rights and feelings of other people. Human vandalism inevitably arises every time "kids" come to power and life begins with all.

Erich Fromm defined destructiveness or passion for destruction as an unconscious psychological mechanism, rooted in hidden hatred of himself and his cattle life, which blocks creative energy and impedes development and self -realization. Destructiveness demonstration is a symptom of mental disorder, complicated by squeezing. The destructive personality is unhappy, even if he manages to achieve her devilish goals - destructiveness.

In such a person, even patriotism is destructive, because any cry is able to become the beginning of active destructive actions. The call for destructiveness, veiled under patriotism, gives rise to such a phenomenon as ura-patriotism, which is flourishing in Russia and is more imitation than a deep feeling. Patriotism is taught here, closing the people from the free world of the "iron curtain", then the "castle on the border", then by the next wars, but always-the theft of the budget . . . .

When serving a person, his rights and freedoms goes into a patricity, moral degradation begins, the loss of conscience, and the country covers the darkness, which I call "the darkness of consciousness. " And the degradation of morality is a direct path to fascism. In some countries, it is thanks to the "cheers-patriots" that the country moves from one bloody regime to another. Here and today Russia is in the patriotic chad of the fascist pin.

A patriotic child with a black hundred bias turned into a contagious epidemic. The cadaveric smell that spreads Putin and its mode is increasingly felt. Patriotism in Russia is one form of revenge. More-a profitable profession that threatens the loss of conscience . . . To make 1% of the Russian population have villas, yachts, planes, palaces and accounts in Switzerland-the remaining 99% should be ura patriots.