
"Russian restrictions": Georgia is preparing a law on "tent ban"

The bill states that they plan to strengthen the legislation on the construction of temporary structures during meetings and demonstrations and to introduce new prohibitions. On Monday, October 2, Georgia plans to submit a bill on the "ban of tents", which was already called another "Russian law" in the opposition. This was reported by the Sova project.

The party in power in Georgia intends to strengthen laws concerning the construction of temporary structures during mass events and public demonstrations, as well as to make new restrictions in this area. The proposed changes will be made to the Law "On Meeting and Manifestations", and they provide a ban on the construction of temporary structures for participants of meetings and manifestations if their placement.

And if the offender is also the organizer, then the confiscation of the subject of the offense and a fine of 5000 lari (almost 70 thousand hryvnias) or administrative imprisonment for up to 15 days.

The explanatory note to the bill states that the proposed amendments to the Law on Meeting and Manifestations are based on a statement of the State Security Service of September 18, according to which a certain group of persons operating both in Georgia and abroad, expressed its intention to carry out destabilization measures in Georgia between October and December 2023.

The above statement emphasizes that these persons have expressed an intention to take a series of actions, including the defeat of the tent camp, the installation of barricades near central avenues and key objects of Georgia, as well as the capture and blocking of buildings of government agencies. According to the information provided by the service, it is also planned to install an explosive device on the territory of the camp.

The bill is initiated by the deputies representing the Georgian Dream Party. They insist on the rapid examination and adoption of this bill, referring to the "urgent need for effective and prompt response" to the threats presented in the statement of the Security Service.

"This initiative is similar to the normative acts operating in autocratic and dictatorial regimes, and is aimed at restricting the right to assembly and manifestation guaranteed by the Constitution, and on the other - to intimidate citizens who may want to resort to protests that require various designs or methods of use (eg, scene, generator, tent, etc. ), " - says the Opposition forces of Droa! and "Gorki - more freedom.

" On May 10 it became known that Georgia will not impose sanctions against Russia. According to the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament Papuasvili, the authorities do not want to worsen relations with the Russians so as not to provoke a military conflict. On May 15, Air Communications were restored between Georgia and Russia. The Azimut airline has received permission to make flights from Moscow to Tbilisi and back. On May 20, Tbilisi began protests against direct airline with Russia.