
For the Armed Forces, young people and communities. How big companies help Ukrainians during the war

Business in Ukraine is called a reliable rear during a full -scale war, as responsible companies invest hundreds of millions and even billions in helping both the defense forces and Ukrainians. Large taxpayers about the development of projects for veterans, infrastructure financing and the introduction of environmental initiatives do not forget. The focus examined in detail. Multilayon support for important assistance initiatives to Ukraine and Ukrainians is now in focus of all major companies.

Often, projects are realized by companies on their own, but also often with well -known charitable foundations. For example, recently the "Come back Alive" Foundation with Kyivstar began the collection "We Live here 2. 0". The goal is to raise UAH 100 million for the Armed Forces Support forces. "About 140 thousand square kilometers of Ukraine need mine. Every day sappers are cleaned by our land from Russian mines and shell residues.

Our task is to provide them with equipment so they can do it more efficiently and safer," - commented the deputy director "return alive. "Oleg Karpenko. The project is implemented with the information support of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. According to the first viceremer-minister-Ministers of Economics of Ukraine Yulia Sviridenko, Ukraine is now the most potentially replaced country in the world. Separate companies' projects help farmers whose fields have suffered from mines and shells.

For example, Corteva Agriscience initiated the initiative to check the condition of the soil in the regions affected by the war, aimed at supporting farmers and allowing to check the suitability of fields that were influenced by bomb, rocket or artillery explosions, to further conduct business. Focus explored in detail what the projects are developing companies and where they focus on their efforts.

An important mission within social responsibility for large companies is to help communities and Ukrainians affected by Russian aggression. "We believe that any business that works in Ukraine has to contribute not only in the form of taxes and jobs, but also to help Ukrainians be even more stable in these difficult times. From the first days of a full-scale invasion, we make efforts to support support Communities and restoration of Ukraine. development of Coca-Cola HBC.

According to him, in particular, 70,000 grocery sets with the most necessary monthly set of products, 5 thousand sleeping sets with warm blankets, 54 powerful industrial electric generators, which will allow to generate 1. 1 MW of electricity, 45 mobile boilers with a total capacity of 24. 6 were given 70 thousand. MW for educational, medical, humanitarian institutions and establishments before the start of the heating season in 2023 and another 60 boilers with a total capacity of 34.

7 MW will be provided in 2024. In 2024, the Coca-Cola Foundation, together with the Ukrainian Red Cross, implemented a program of support for the most affected agricultural households in Kharkiv and Kherson regions. In addition, Coca-Cola financed the restoration of the kindergarten destroyed during the fighting in the village of Bogdanivka, Brovarsky district, Kyiv region. Kernel supports communities.

"Kernel companies cover 477 territorial communities in 12 regions of Ukraine, and of course, the success of our business depends directly on cooperation with these regions. It is important for us that every village, town and city of Kernel's presence will develop and that people want to stay here.

That is why we We invest in these communities and support them and their inhabitants in every possible way, " - said Kateryna Spivakova, Director for Communications and Cooperation with the Kernel Government. According to her, the company is actively engaged in landscaping and restoration of infrastructure: repairs roads, restores bridges, installs lighting and playgrounds to make communities more convenient for everyone.

"In addition, we invest in health care to provide community members with quality medical care. This includes major repairs and modernization of the FAPs, providing medicines, purchasing fuel for ambulances," says Kateryna Spivakova. Humanitarian aid remains important for the company, where the company has allocated UAH 170 million over the last two years. "In addition, we are actively working on the housing of displaced persons.

For the first two years of the war, thanks to the funding from Kernel and the efforts of his employees, five dormitories intended for residence of displaced persons in Poltava and Cherkasy regions were successfully reconstructed," Kateryna Sosvakova said.

To work for victory - now the motto of many large taxpayers, who not only pay billions of taxes to the state budget, which is funded by the defense of the country, but also constantly support the large donatics of various meetings for the Armed Forces, launch their own initiatives for supplying the fighters of the necessary equipment.

For example, the third wave of initiative of the eye is ongoing: the "Come back Living" fund and OKCO is intended to buy 10 complexes of detection and destruction of a pulse with a total cost of UAH 500 million. The first three -upthrows, each of which consists of more than 40 names of equipment, has already been transferred to teams. Supports Kernel and Kernel.

"Kernel directly supports individual crews of the Armed Forces and is in constant connection with them, providing them with all the necessary equipment and equipment. , communications, electrical engineering, tools, first need, etc. We help their families with adaptation, psychological support and return to professional life, "Kernel Kernel Singer said about Kernel. Metinvest offers training and work for war veterans.

According to Metinvest Oleg Davidenko, Director of the Corporate Communications Department, the company creates all the conditions for the veteran to pass a certain adaptation period, psychologically prepare for civilian life, got support of the team to transfer military experience to civilian life and use it as effectively as possible.

Coca-Cola said that they have not reduced any workplace since the beginning of a full-scale invasion, provide mobilized one-time financial assistance immediately after the call and continue to pay them average wages. Despite the fact that humanitarian projects and funding for defense forces often and priority, they do not forget the company and the environment, because caring for clean water and air is an important area of ​​sustainable development strategies.

Especially acute in the country environmental problems have arisen on the agenda through Russian aggression. The Coca-Cola company states that in 2024, the Coca-Cola Foundation directed $ 300,000. The program includes the arrangement of a pipeline for the school, the construction of a new artesian well in the village of Chernobayivka and a number of other measures to ensure water supply of communities.

"We are actively supporting the communities that suffer the most from the war, while not stopped by any of the strategic projects in the field of sustainable development. We continue to work on projects on responsible waste management, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and optimization of water resources. That after our victory, these issues will become even more important for the sustainable development of Ukraine, " - said Andrey Bublik.

Kernel explained that despite the war, the issues of ecology remain in focus, so the company has created a committee on sustainable development, which is responsible for determining priorities and implementing strategic activities of the holding in the field of climatic risks and opportunities, environmental protection, social and human capital development.

"We plan to continue to work actively to reduce the impact of our environment on the environment, expanding the decarbonization program and strengthening partnerships with suppliers and consumers to jointly achieve sustainable development goals," says Kateryna Spivakova. In the last two years, companies in Ukraine have encountered an unprecedented scarcity of personnel - factors such as the outflow of Ukrainians abroad, as well as mobilization, have been influenced by factors.

That is why most large companies are betting on cooperation with universities and colleges, inviting young professionals to practice, internships, additional training programs and permanent work. For example, NAU students will be able to study and work in DTEK Kiev electricity electricity networks, which in the spring was concluded a cooperation agreement between the company and the university.

Under the conditions of cooperation, students of energy specialties of NAU from the new academic year will be able to join the programs of dual education in the company. Senior year students will combine training in NAU and production practice in DTEK Kiev Electricity Networks. After successful completion of training, the company will offer young professionals permanent employment. Educational projects are also among Kernel priority.

"We are actively investing in young people, conducting programs for students, cooperating with leading universities. For young people, similar projects and collaborations are a chance to get a wonderful start for our career, and for us, as for the agricultural business that drivers the Ukrainian economy, it is an opportunity to educate professionals in the industry who can cope with the challenges of the modern world, ”says Kateryna Singer.

It adds that during a full-scale invasion, the company has conducted two seasons of study in its educational project Open Agro University, and now the third season training for new generation specialists in the agro-and food industry is ongoing. In the fall, the recruitment will start by the 4th season of the project. In addition, the company has introduced a career guidance course "Agrosphere" in school educational institutions.