
Google and Meta "helped" the Russian Federation by paying $ 341 million in her treasury: why did they do it

The companies have accused of spreading fakes about the war in Ukraine and LGBT propaganda. Telegram, Tik Tok and YouTube also replenished the budget of the Russian Federation. Google and Meta have paid with the aggressor state, Russia, paying their penalties previously imposed on them. They replenished the Russian treasury with several billions of Russian rubles, reports "Interfax". According to news agency, Google paid 29 billion rubles in 2024.

This is the total amount of two penalties imposed on it in 2023. At the end of December 2023, she was assigned another, third, a fine of 4. 6 billion rubles, which has not yet been paid. The agency also writes that another American company - Meta - has extinguished a fine of 2 billion rubles. These two companies have "replenished" the Russian budget for 31 billion rubles, which is translated into US dollars 341 310 000. Companies were accused of "non-deduction , - the material reads.

It should be noted that the "special military operation" in the official media of the Russian Federation is called war with Ukraine. Referring to the Federal Bailiffs' Federal Services, Interfax reports that Telegram messenger, Tik Tok's social network and YouTube video hosting also paid all the debts under the penalties "for non -attachment of prohibited content". The Russian courts were obliged to pay the "for the non -removal of the prohibited content" and other companies.