
They are afraid of supplies of F-16 fighters. Why the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation gave a new task of the A-50 aircraft

The Armed Forces pilots are mastering Western aviation, and the Russians are already looking for ways to counteract. A formidable weapon can be a ligament of reconnaissance aircraft with C-400 complexes, but the F-16 creators have provided many levels of protection. Focus found out whether Soviet military technologies threaten advanced aircraft. Possible supply of Western Fighters of the Armed Forces forces Russian invaders to look for appropriate solutions.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation try to build combat connections from aircraft of long-range radar detection (DRLO) A-50 and anti-aircraft missile complexes C-400, warned by British military intelligence. The use of the DLL aircraft to identify the goals of Ukraine and the aim of the anti-aircraft missile complex (SPR) C-400 is part of the only task of counteracting the impact of fighter jets transferred to Ukraine by its allies, emphasize the scouts.

"Russia could accelerate the integration of A-50 and C-400. The next step will be very risky: the occupiers will try to place the reconnaissance closer to the front line," the UK Ministry of Defense noted. The speaker of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Yuri Ignat did not see novelty in this ligament. According to him, the Russians use A-50 to monitor the goals from the first days of a full-scale war.

Earlier it was launched closer to the borders in the north of Ukraine, and now it flies mainly in the waters of the Black and Azov Seas. "I do not know how it can be there with C-400 [combine] . . . it is a team point, a point of management in the air that provides information from Russian units. He [aircraft] is already doing from the first days Ignatius. The Russian complexes C-400 themselves are tracking and affecting fighters at a distance of more than 200 kilometers.

But if the F-16 flies at low altitude, the SCR will not work so efficiently and will get it within no more than 100 kilometers. "In the event of a western aviation span at a distance of more than 300 kilometers, the C-400 guidance forces will not do. Thanks to the advanced military technologies, Western fighters are not easy to shook. Most of them are provided with onboard defense complexes, with which thermal and radar traps are trapped, the specialist adds.

"Electronic fighter equipment is knocking out rockets, it creates electronic obstacles to enemy air defense complexes. In this sense, the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is easier to seize the Armed Forces transport aircraft," Romanenko continues. The second option to counteract the F-16, according to it, looks more primitive. It is possible to install long-range missiles R-33 or P-37 of the class "air-air" on the Su-35 fighter and attack.

"If, however, the Russians use the connection of the Dlo and the C-400 aircraft, the best way out for the Armed Forces will not fly at this time at the F-16 fighters. The pilots will receive a report about the work of the Russian reconnaissance," the expert notes.

The C-400 system is quite powerful, but often Russian air defense products do not protect the invaders from elementary Ukrainian attacks with drones and rockets, says the focus of the reserve colonel, the expection of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Vladislav Seleznev. The degree of threats to aviation depends on what modification of the F-16 aircraft Kiev will receive from the event. Safety problems should be expected in the case of receiving old options, issued 40 years ago.

Modern fighters have no problems with the detection of hostile missiles, says a military expert. The Armed Forces will reach the maximum air advantage, if, in addition to aircraft, the event will put at least a few units of the aviation complex of radio talling and the management of AWACS. It is an analogue of Russian Dlo, which can see what is happening in hostile positions at a distance of 500 kilometers. In addition, the benefits of the F-16 depend on the missiles they used.

Having received American fighters, Ukraine will be able to beat the perm-measured anti-ship missiles AGM-84 Harpoon from air to a greater distance than land systems. So for the Russian fleet in the Black Sea there will be new threats, summed up Seleznyov. We will remind, on November 15, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced the departure of Ukrainian pilots for training missions on F-16 fighters. Training is conducted by "minimal" groups.