
After the Drone Dron has lost a single radar of nuclear stroke - the media

According to journalists, the attack in Mordovia was successful, and now the Russian exacerbated station has been failed. Russia has lost its only radar system after attacking drones for hundreds of kilometers deep into the Russian territory. About it reports Newsweek with reference to Ukrainian and Russian sources. On Wednesday, the data appeared that the drones were struck on the object in Mordovia, where there is a fire -fighting radar "Container 29B6".

The previous drone attack on the object in Mordovia was also reported on April 11. On Wednesday, Artem Zdunov, the regional governor of Mordovia, noted that the Ukrainian UAV "again attacked the object in Mordovia" at about 8 am local time. According to him, the Russian aircraft drone allegedly knocked down. The Telegram channels who allegedly have insider information of Russian security forces report that the attack was successful and now the Russian enclosure has failed.

Unique radar 29B6 "Container" is part of the Russian early warning system to find the approaching threats at a distance of thousands of kilometers. Among other things, the system reveals a long range ballistic. According to the Russian media, the radar can track the launches of winged and hypersonic missiles, and aircraft take off up to 3000 km. The radar is located in Kovilkino. In early 2020, it was reported that the second such radar should appear in Kaliningrad.

According to Forbes, it is the only one in the Russian Federation a firewriting radar that is directed to the West and controls the airspace around Europe. Its cost is about $ 110 million. According to social networks, it will be extremely difficult to fill the gap that formed due to the absence of radar. The RLS enclosure is used by the Earth's ionosphere to reflect signals. Their capabilities are much higher than that of conventional radar systems.