
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation caused a combined blow to Kiev: there were fires, details in the city

According to the military administration, fires in the Dnieper and Desnyansk districts occurred as a result of the fall. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation also laid the ballistic target in the direction of the capital district. The Russian invaders continued the rocket and morning attack on the territory of Ukraine at night and on the morning of August 27. The explosions in Kiev were heard in the morning, and the attack on the region is still continuing.

This was reported in the Kyiv City State Administration. "Kyiv reflects the combined rocket-morning attack of the enemy. The fall of debris on the forest park area in the Dnieper district of the city. As a result of which there was a fire of forest litter on the area up to 50 m2. Information about the victims missing. It is in the message. The KMVA also reported that the fall of debris in the forest park zone of the Desnyanskiy district due to a fire occurred. Operational services follow the place.

Explosions in Kiev were heard on the morning of August 27 during air alarm. According to preliminary information, on the approaches to the city the air defense fighters destroyed enemy targets. The Kyiv Regional Military Administration reported the UAV movement in the direction of the capital. "Kyiv region! Movement of enemy UAVs has been recorded! In the region, the air defense forces work," the message said.

Also, in the direction of Kiev, air targets flew after 5 am in the Air Force of the Armed Forces. "Kiev, left bank. May be loud! Repeated explosions. Kiev! Be in shelters! More rockets," - warned Kyivans's monitoring channels. Balistics were also reported in the direction of Kyiv region, but according to preliminary information, the goal was destroyed.