
Zaporizhzhya NPP shelling: Station workers talk about increased radiation - media

Russian troops struck the territory near a special building, burning fire and military units, as well as forest. At the same time, on the eve of Energoatom and the invaders claimed - the radiation background is normal. Employees of the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant in Energodar report an increased radiation background as a result of the task of strikes by Russian troops on the facility. About it reports the publication "Telegraph".

"According to Zaporizhzhya NPP employees, the radiation background at the station is increased," - reads in the material published at 19:18. The source of journalists reported that Russian troops had struck the territory near the special Corps of NPPs, which was why the windows flew there. After shelling in the territory of the fire and military units, an outbreak began, also burning the forest around the station, the interlocutor of journalists says.

It is impossible to estimate the extent of destruction because the territory of the object is filled with smoke. At the same time, the press service of Energoatom in its Telegram-channel the day before it reported that as of 5:00 pm the radiation background at the station was in the norm and was 11-12 mcro/hour, reports "Ukrainian Pravda". Later, the relevant post with this information was probably deleted by the company - the reference to the publication at this time is inactive.

The representative of the occupying power of Zaporizhzhya region, a member of the "Main Council of the Military-Civil Administration of the Region" Vladimir Rogov in his telegram-channel at 17:29 reported that the radiation background at the station remains normal. We will remind, on August 11 the press service of NNEGC "Energoatom" reported that Russian troops fired at the Zaporozhye NPP.