
Iranian military buy "spy" balloons in Russia: the media has opened details

According to journalists, Russian airships and balloons were probably interested in people who represent the Iranian government. Iran purchases balloons in the Russian Federation that can be used for espionage. This was made known thanks to the breakdown of Prana Network by Sahara Thunder, which is associated with the Ministry of Defense of Iran and the Corps of Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (Quir). Medusa portal got acquainted with the relevant materials.

It is reported that Sahara Thunder has corresponded with the Russian company "Vneshtechsnab", which specializes in the export of equipment. In total, 17 letters were found. The correspondence deals with the supply to Iran's products of the Dolgoprudnensky Design Bureau of Automation (DCBA), which deals with the development and creation of airships, balloons, as well as special purpose systems.

Having studied the content of mail, journalists came to the conclusion that the people who represent the Iranian government could be interested in Russian airships and balloons. According to the authors of the publication, this is indicated by the fact that the head of the firm is the full name of Kazem Mirza Condor, who held the position of Attachia of Iran's embassy in China.

In addition, journalists noted that in most of the letters, which Condor exchanged with "Vneshtechsnab", the imile [Email Protected] is indicated, which, according to the databases, belongs to the "Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran" in Moscow.

As noted in the publication, correspondence of Sahara Thunder and "Vneshtechsnab" started on November 11, 2020 - then the CEO "Vnoshtechsnaba" Irina Ponomaryova sent Condor a letter in which the company had already "launched a process of receiving state -to -state permits". , in particular, "Bortova Aerostatic Meteorological Stations", "Baroklapan Managed", "Aryatal Signal Fire (ACS)", "Nasal Aerostat Nasal Traveler", "ARM - control panel" and "Helium weight of 16600 kilograms".

It is reported that the supply pandemic had to be postponed. Thus, in response to the complaints of the Iranian side, Ponomarev wrote on November 16, 2020 that "Vneshtechsnab" was trying to achieve permission to "export equipment" from the Russian Federation, but the process of consideration of the relevant documents is "complicated by the situation with the Covid-19".

Journalists also drew attention to correspondences that took place after a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine. Thus, in May 2022 it was about supplying "repaired equipment together with the shell of the balloon". In addition, on April 17, 2023, Vneshtechsnab stated that due to the strengthening of the export rules through the war, there was a "delay in the supply of spare parts to the Demavend Complex. The balloons.

The journalists indicated that in the press the products of the Dolgoprudnensky Design Bureau are described as the "Russian Fleet of Spy Balloons. " So to keep track of safety is one of the directions. You can hang anything on the balloon anything - in particular the technique that allows you to do it. And she flies as long as you want. This is still a fundamental product, "said the CEO of" Vnoshtekhstach "Ilya Botvinovsky in a comment on the portal.