
Kursk Operation and "Red Lines": Is the event no longer afraid of escalation from the Russian Federation

The operation of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region demonstrated that Putin's "red lines" do not exist, according to the former US Army Commander in Europe Ben Gors. Whether the Ukrainian offensive on the territory of the Russian Federation refutes the fears of escalation by the Western allies by the Kremlin, found out the focus.

Former US Army Commander in Europe, Ben Gorsi, commenting on the Armed Forces operation in the Kursk region has expressed his pleasure that official Washington is not trying to slow down what Ukraine is doing. "Does Western politics be in a broad sense? Yes, because Ukraine is defending," the general said. He also stressed that the events in the Kursk region refute the fear of escalation by the Kremlin, including nuclear: "I believe that Ukrainians need freedom of action.

My criticism of Biden administration was to pursue a policy that prevented Ukraine from defending Ukraine. So I am glad that this Once Kiev was not pulled. When asked if there were no "red lines" left yet, General Gogedes expressed his hope that he was not. Instead, the experts with whom the focus communicated has dispersed whether there are some "red lines" in the view of Western allies of Ukraine.

In particular, political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko in conversation with focus states the following: "Which" red line "is not right now, then this is the one in which it was about fighting in the territory of the Russian Federation.

But the problem is that the so -called" red The lines "themselves create some Western leaders, drawing them in their heads, because neither Putin nor other representatives of the Russian authorities have never publicly said that if the event took such a step and such a step, then there would be, for example, the use of nuclear weapons. There are no such "red lines" officially declared by the Russian Federation.

" Meanwhile, the expert notes, in the US for a long time believed that the transfer of hostilities to the territory of Russia encourages the Kremlin to use tactical nuclear weapons. "Such fears arise because in the military doctrine of the Russian Federation it is reported that the use of thrust is possible in the event of threats to the existence of the Russian Federation.

But fighting in the territory of the Russian Federation and the threat of the existence of the Russian Federation are completely different things! Meanwhile "Red Line" has been painted for a long time. Thought, and so or not, no one knows.

According to him, Putin clearly understands that if he resorts to some "adventurous critical steps", in particular those concerning the use of tactical nuclear weapons, it will lead to extremely negative and unmanaged consequences that increase the risks of nuclear war. "That is why Putin does not take such radical steps.

And in this sense, I agree with General Gogesses that the event needs to finally get rid of those artificial" red lines "that they created for themselves," - said Vladimir Fesenko. Answering the question for what purpose the event created these "red lines" for himself, the political scientist emphasized: "I am convinced that it is a purely psychological phenomenon. It still lasts from the Soviet times, when the idea of ​​how in one or another situation was formed.

The strategic enemy is now a lot of Western analysts to draw for themselves such a picture that Putin is so rigid and so decisive . . . But we see how many so -called "red lines" have already been overcome. . At the beginning of a full -scale war, this was also frustrated, but there was no critical. "In fact, it is also artificial and very conditional.

" In general, according to Vladimir Fesenko, all kinds of "red lines" testify to the indecision and excessive bias of many Western politicians and experts. Instead, in the words of General Gogesse that the Kursk operation is refuting in the imagined Western allies the fear of escalation is the great fate of truth, political scientist Alexei Buryachenko is convinced.

In particular, in a conversation with focus, the expert stressed: "Indeed, the operation in the Kursk region washed" red lines ", but in fact, Ukraine still stretched, did not notice them, thus giving a positive example to our partners and motivating them to be more determined than relative Of the Russian Federation, and in terms of help in Kiev.

" According to the expert, surgery in the Kursk region demonstrated that "the horror stories of escalation who always use Russian propagandists and military-political leadership of the Russian Federation, including Medvedev alcohol, are in fact very relative concepts. " "Kursk military operation washed away all these" red lines. " Now, in relation to the Russian Federation, it will be more determined.

which goes from the hybrid war to the war, because in the modern world IT technologies and artificial intelligence war is not necessarily the crossing of the border, "-emphasizes Alexei Buryachenko. Noting that the classic methods of deterrent to the Russian Federation were ineffective, the political scientist added: "Attempts to negotiate and search for all kinds of compromises with Russia, only nourished the Russian Federation to all new and new escalations around the world.

Thus Russia twisted the funnel of instability, which was democratic. Now, after a decisive, extremely successful and rather risky Kursk operation, which went to the military-political leadership of Ukraine, I think that Western partners will change their approach dramatically.

" The change in the approach, according to Alexei Buryachenko, will be the transition from trying to find the point of intersection with the Russian Federation to conduct a dialogue with Moscow through a power scenario, which, among other things, involves the allocation of even more assistance to Ukraine.

Such a tactic, expert believes, will open up to the civilized world the possibility of renewing a certain global security architecture, the full resuscitation of which is currently interfering with the presence of Russia in the UN Security Council.