
In Russia, the general designer of new Angar launchers Vladimir Nesterov died

The development and creation of the Angar space missile system was the task of particular national importance for the Russian Federation. With the help of a rocket-carrier, Russia can remove devices from its territory to space orbit of all types. In Russia at the age of 73, the former CEO of the State Space Scientific and Production Center. MV Khrunichev Colonel Vladimir Nesterov.

In the life of Nesterov since 1992 he was engaged in the project of creating a new Russian rocket launcher "Angar", which was first launched in 2014. This was announced on December 28 by TASS. The causes of the official's death have not yet been reported. It is known that Nesterov has long been engaged in the development of missiles and space-related systems, including the multiple space system "Energy-Bun", missiles-"Zenit", "Buran", "Soyuz-2", "Proton-M" and " others.

He became the CEO of the Center of Khrunichev in 2005. However, in 2012, after the failed launch of the proton-m launch vehicle, during which the rocket suffered a disaster directly at the start, exploding in the air for a kilometer from the ground, Nesterov resigned and focused on the harvesting . The official was also involved in the 2014 scandal around the resale of Russian-American companies.

In December 2014, the Chief Investigation Department of the Criminal Code opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of Russia, accusing an official of assignment and waste of funds in particularly large sizes. Later, the investigative bodies accused him of the damage to the budget for 5. 3 billion rubles.

It was reported that Nesterov agreed to the American company for sale of shares, and further organized the purchase of the same shares at Khrunichev by Space Transport at high cost. However, the re -consideration of this case has not yet begun, the agency reports. The Angara missile launcher family is a new generation of modular-type missile launches based on two universal missile modules with oxygen-gassage engines: URM-1 and URM-2.

The creation of such a space rocket complex (KRK) for Russia is a task of particular national importance, since it will allow it to launch spacecraft of all types from its territory and to provide for itself independently guaranteed access to space. The main customer is the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The last launch of the Angara rocket was held on October 15, 2022. The Russian rocket from the Spacemoder Plesetska in the Arkhangelsk region launched a military satellite.