
If Sergei Pashinsky arrests it may complicate the supply of Armed Forces, experts

The arrest of Sergiy Pashinsky may complicate the supply of weapons of the Armed Forces, and the arrest of companies that are part of the National Association of Defense Industry Enterprises of Ukraine - to stop supply. This is stated in Forbes Ukraine, reports Apostrophe. "He is a very high quality communicator between weapons and the government," says Pashinsky one of the former Ministry of Defense officials.

"He is the organizer of the processes, a person who tries to move the inert bureaucratic system in the army . . . Unfortunately, heads of defense enterprises often do not have such courage and activity as he, this community is mostly passive and unorganized, so removing it from processes will have it Very negative consequences, "-said the expatate, veteran of the Ukrainian-Russian war, commander of the UAV company Igor Lutsenko. Currently, the Association includes 50 different enterprises.