
The event was not able to make an international exile from Putin: who cooperates with the Kremlin head - the media

According to journalists, Putin made 6 foreign visits, although his possibilities are rather limited due to the arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court for Military Crimes against Ukraine. Despite the efforts of the event, Kremlin head Vladimir Putin is actively engaged in diplomatic activity. Yes, in just two months he held more than 20 meetings with politicians from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. About it writes Bloomberg.

According to journalists, Putin made 6 foreign visits, although his possibilities are rather limited due to the arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court for Military Crimes against Ukraine. The publication writes that Putin has restored friends with the head of the PRC, Xi Jinping, personally arrived at Beijing. Si, whose support helped Russia withstand unprecedented Western sanctions, said that China "always stood on the right side of history.

" It is reported that this week Prime Minister of India Florda Modi flew to Moscow. It was his first visit to Russia in five years. India remains a great buyer of Russian weapons and is becoming more dependent on cheap Russian oil. The material states that the head of Hungary's government, Victor Orban, challenged criticism by EU leaders on his self -proclaimed peaceful initiative. Orban spoke with President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky and Putin in Moscow. Later he went to China to meet with SI.

It is also reported that Putin met with Turkish President Recep Taiip Erdogan for the first time since September last year. They discussed Russian tourism in Turkey and a nuclear power plant built in the country by Rosatom. In addition, as it is noted, in June, Putin made his first trip 24 years to North Korea, where he signed a pact on mutual defense with the leader Kim Cenn, who promised to "unconditionally" support Russia in her war with Ukraine.

The publication writes that Putin also met with the leaders of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Pakistan and Qatar in the fields of the SHOS summit in Astana. In Russia, he negotiated with his colleagues with Zimbabwe, Bolivia, the Republic of Congo, Cuba, Armenia, Tajikistan and Bahrain. Putin also visited Uzbekistan and Belarus to meet their leaders. We will remind, Zelensky explained why negotiations with the Russian Federation "do not work".