
Peaceful Putin. Why Xi Jinping forced the Russian President to talk about the end of the war

After negotiations with Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin spoke of peace talks. He even invited US leader tea, Joe Baiden, but after he has taken away American weapons from Ukraine. Focus learned that he was behind the peaceful rhetoric of the Kremlin head and what could be expected from him. Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about peace talks with Ukraine to end the war.

He made such an unexpected statement during a press conference in Beijing, where he participated in the Chinese Forum "One Belt, One Way". "We hear now that they are allegedly ready for any negotiations. Already responsible persons who smoke foreign policy issues and who have recently said that Russia needed to be strategic defeat on the battlefield, now they have already talked in a different voice and are already saying that It is necessary to solve these problems through peace negotiations.

This is a transformation in the right direction, for this praise, but this is not enough, "Putin said, noting that it is necessary to abolish the ban on negotiations with him, which he called a" decree ". Further more. Putin, not the first time, since the beginning of a full -scale invasion of Ukraine, appealed to US President Joe Baiden with a proposal to "come to Russia on a pancake with tea. " All you have to do is pick up the ATACMS complexes in Ukraine.

It should be noted that there were no reasons or conversations about the beginning of peace talks with Russia. Neither from the Ukrainian authorities nor from Western partners. Moreover, in September 2023, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken noted that there were no signs that Putin was interested in diplomacy. He noted that the United States would join Russia and Ukraine to the peace process.

At the same time, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with The Economist said that he would not go to any compromises with the Russian Federation, and the war will continue until Russian troops are in Ukraine. The official reaction from the US first persons to the "pancake tea invitation" did not follow.

Instead, the adviser to the head of the Presidential Office Mikhail Podolyak noted that any negotiations with Putin will now legitimize all military crimes and make the war a tool of global policy. He wrote about it in his telegram channel. The Kremlin has long been trying to extend the topic of freezing of hostilities in Ukraine in existing conditions. This is necessary to renew resources and reserves, draw conclusions from the mistakes and start a new military campaign.

All possible means are involved in the implementation of this design, from the constant statements of politicians about Ukraine's reluctance to sit at the negotiation table, to the so -called peaceful plans offered by Africa. In Russia, they understand that they cannot continue the war at the same pace, if the issue of a mobilization resource is solved, then the problems of providing troops have to be solved "from wheels".

Analysts believe that in the light of Putin's statements about peace talks with Ukraine, it is worth taking into account the place and time when they were made. And this happened immediately after the long negotiations with China's leader Xi Jinping. It is suggested that the Russian politician tried to ask China weapons and ammunition. What was the answer to SI would become clear later, but Putin suddenly had to talk about peace talks.

"Putin was unable to sell Xi Jinping's idea of ​​Siberia-2 gas pipeline, most likely, he disagreed with the idea of ​​weapons. There is evidence that the Kremlin suggested to take away all arsenals from North Korea, and China would have resumed them. So, actually happened Transfer of Chinese weapons, but without Beijing. SI said they are ready to support Russia as much as needed, but with non -lethal weapons.

For example, it is known that China closes the tender for sewing 500,000 sets of thermal underwear for the Russian Federation, " - says focus political scientist Viktor Bobirenko. Political analyst Alexander Kochetkov notes that the reason for Putin's peaceful rhetoric is the need to fulfill the will of Xi Jinping on constructive negotiations with the West.

The Chinese leader openly says that negotiations on free economic competition, infrastructure projects and economic development are needed, not the topic of continuation of wars. Recall that SI meeting with US President Biden can take place in November 2023. Her possibility was stated personally by the American leader.

The event is not announced, but it will probably be held within the framework of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit (APEC), which will take place in San Francisco from November 11 to November 17. "Secondly, Xi offers the event fair conditions of competition and prepares for negotiations with Biden. He does not need the topic of continuation of the war, he is tuned for negotiations.

Therefore, Putin, which is already completely dependent on China, has to respond to the moods of SI," says focus Kochetkov. He also notes that Putin is not fully reported, the resources for mobilization are depleted, and under the formal elections of the President of the Russian Federation it is necessary to have a more or less stable situation in the country.

According to Viktor Bobireko, having abandoned peace talks, Putin gives a signal of pro -Russian forces in Europe and the US for an information campaign against Ukraine. "A narrative is formed that we want peace and ready for it, and the other side is for the war. This narrative is directed, first of all, for a" tired event ", now all sorts of Trumpists, Pope Roman or Ilon Musk. Sight to the West, they say, here is an alternative, and Ukraine does not want to talk about peace.

More He said when he mentioned "foreign policy curators", says the expert. Experts say that in the short term, all Putin's actions should be considered with the emphasis on China's interests. Today the Kremlin has fallen into full economic and political dependence on Beijing, so it will be forced to work out The agenda, which is submitted. But this time more substantive. "Putin can again resort to nuclear blackmail.

To do this, carry out a test of nuclear weapons on the landfill, on the new earth and start blackmailing the world. Today, even in the Kremlin, they do not know exactly in what condition their nuclear arsenal is in," the expert predicts the expert. . It should be noted that in September 2023, the head of the Russian National Research Center "Kurchatovsky Institute" Mikhail Kovalchuk, who is part of Putin's closest environment, called for attention to this idea.

He argued his thoughts by the fact that the actions of Western countries on Russia are becoming "more aggressive. " He recalled that in 1961 the USSR in response to aggressive rhetoric, the US tested the most powerful in history thermonuclear "king-bomb" with a capacity of more than 50 megatons. Then the Americans immediately began to negotiate. "Here is exactly the same situation. It is enough to test on a new land . . . One time, at least. And everything will be in place," Kovalchuk said.