
Up to 5 million: The Ministry of Internal Affairs calculated how many unregistered weapons are buried by Ukrainians (video)

The Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot calculate the exact amount of unregistered weapons that citizens of Ukraine have in their hands, was confirmed by Deputy Minister Bogdan Drapaty. By December 2024, it should be declared according to a simplified procedure. Ukrainians, since 2014, won firearms either during battle or during their stay in the occupied territory, or received in the first days of the war for defense of the state, or they were awarded.

From November 2024 a law has been in force, according to which such weapons need to be registered or handed over to law enforcement agencies. Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Bogdan Drapaty told about the situation on unregistered weapons. Dropaty explained that Ukrainian citizens really have a trophy weapon that they got, for example, during temporary occupation or in battle. In addition, there is an unregistered weapon obtained from the defense forces at the beginning of the invasion.

According to the official, in the hands of the population - from 2 to 5 million units. These numbers are evaluations of Western partners, since the Ministry of Internal Affairs has no methodology to find out real volumes. "The numbers of two to five million weapons are announced in the hands of the population that is not registered, and it is this law that will allow this weapon just to declare in order to account for it and we will be able to have information then," - - said Dropaty.

It should be noted that on August 24, the President of Ukraine signed Law No. 9538, which simplifies the registration and declaration of weapons, ammunition and trophy weapons, Focus wrote. The law will come into force on November 25, 2024. According to the regulatory act, citizens must appear in the Ministry of Internal Affairs within 30 days and report weapons that have in their hands without registration. These are pistols, machines, hunting rifles: mandatory declaration of firearms up to 12.

7 mm, smooth -bore up to 20 mm, and a ball to them. Since December 2024, it will be possible to apply 1120 and 102 to report a violation of the law. If it is a weapon obtained in the first days of the war and which there are no documents, then it should also be declared and then handed over 90 days after the end of the martial law.