
More than 800 times: Russia is increasingly using chemical weapons against the Ukrainian military - the Armed Forces

The support forces of support said that most often Russians use grenades K-51, RGR, RG-B, which contains a dangerous chemical of CS, prohibited for war on chemical weapons. Since the beginning of a full -scale invasion, Russia has used 815 times a grenade with a poisonous chemical against the Ukrainian military. This was reported by the Support Forces Command. The report states that only in January 2024 such cases recorded 229 cases.

"815 facts of use of ammunition supplied by poisonous chemicals were recorded by mobile groups and other units of support forces and support. The Armed Forces reported that most often Russians use grenades K-51, RGR, RG-B. They contain a dangerous chemical of CS, prohibited for the war (fighting) of Article 1 of the Convention on Chemical Weapons. "Intelligence units are selected by soil samples, vegetation, fragments of ammunition and send them for analyzes," the support forces of support said.

Analysts of the Institute of War (ISW) in the report of February 9 indicated that CS and PS gas are considered to combat unrest (RCA), stimuli chemical compounds that are not necessarily deadly, but have extremely annoying and harmful effects, especially when inhaled. The Convention on the Chemical Weapons, which Russia ratified in 1997, prohibits the use of RCA in hostilities.

The ISW stated that the Russian 810th Brigade of Marines recently recognized in its current post on social networks, which intentionally used K-51 grenades with CS gas during an attack on Ukrainian positions near the Krikoni on the Eastern (Left Bank) Kherson region. It should be reminded that Natalia Humeniuk's Preskretar of Defense Forces of Ukraine stated on February 8 that in the Kherson region the occupiers have a "commander embargo" on armored vehicles.