
Millions of dollars: the Government of Canada allowed to bypass sanctions against the Russian Federation - the media

According to media reports, aviation equipment, rubber tires and bamboo boards were imported from Russia to Canada, and Canadian companies were sent to the Russian Federation eggs, vaccines and agricultural machinery. The Government of Canada has issued a number of special permits that allowed local companies to bypass the economic sanctions imposed on Russia. About it reports the French -speaking Canadian newspaper Le Devoir.

According to the newspaper, the Government of Canada has granted several companies to continue their construction and exploration, despite the availability of sanctions.

In particular, it is noted that Canada exported the following goods to Russia: according to the media, the following goods were imported: a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada, John Babkok, confirmed the existence of these permits, but refused to disclose their exact number or reasons for their issuance, as well Names of companies that benefited from such permits, with reference to commercial privacy.

According to journalists, the opposition deputies of Canada have expressed dissatisfaction with such practice of the government, believing that it did not correspond to the country's stated policy on Russia. Volodymyr Fesenko, the chairman of the board of the Center for Applied Political Studies, told about how Russia bypasses the sanctions. In his opinion, Russia has learned this in Iran and North Korea.