
Putin is ready to pay any price for Ukraine. Why for the event the cheapest option is to end the dictator

Although the price of victory over Russia in Ukraine, according to general recognition, the price of Putin's stop will only increase if its invasion is succeeded, journalist Ivan Verstyuk writes in his column for Atlantic Council. The event should understand: the stingy pays twice. While US Congress members continue to discuss the future of Ukraine's support from its country, US President Joe Biden reminded everyone about a pragmatic argument in favor of continuing military assistance.

"If we move away from today's problems, the risk of conflict can be spread, and the cost of their solution will only grow," Biden wrote in his article in Washington Post dated November 18. - "In the two world wars of the last century, we know that when aggression in Europe remains unanswered, the crisis does not fade by itself. It attracts America directly. That is why our obligations to Ukraine today are investments in our own security. This will prevent the wider conflict tomorrow.

" At a time when politicians on both sides of the Atlantic are increasingly concerned about the high price of weapons of Ukraine and the absence of any obvious path to the victory of Ukraine, Baiden's comments are especially valuable. They remind the skeptics that, although the price of victory over Russia in Ukraine, according to general recognition, is high, the price of Putin's stop will only increase if its invasion is succeeded. War is a road, and Ukrainians know it too well.

The following year, the Ukrainian authorities plan to spend about half of the entire state budget on defense. This contrasts sharply with the cost of defense in neighboring NATO countries, many of which still hardly reach the annual target for the Alliance funding set at two percent of GDP.

If Ukraine's military assistance slows down in the coming months and the country is left without self -defense tools, Putin can succeed in his military purpose - to capture and subordinate all or most of the country. This will change the climate of global safety. Russian troops will solemnly pass through Ukraine to NATO eastern borders. Since NATO will be discredited and humiliated by the fall of Ukraine, the Kremlin will be tempted to check the alliance's determination again.

In such circumstances, all NATO member states will inevitably have to increase defense costs dramatically. The former unwillingness to reach NATO's target for two percent will soon be forgotten, as countries will fight the threat that comes from the reborn Russia. Of course, it is impossible to find out how Russia will behave after success in Ukraine.

The Kremlin can pause and regroup before new invasions, and may be concerned about strengthening its control over the recently occupied Ukrainian regions. However, the obvious danger of further Russian aggression will require an unprecedented wave of military expenditures throughout Europe, and it will overshadow the current expenses of Ukraine.

The current debate about the continuation of Ukraine's military support is already giving the courage to Moscow and strengthen Vladimir Putin's conviction that the event will eventually not withstand full -scale confrontation with Russia. Putin does not face the uncertainty of funding from which Ukraine suffers from, and can rely on an authoritarian economy as fuel for his military machine.

The Russian dictator can also try to create additional economic tensions among its opponents, raising energy prices. Since the year is approaching the election year, the US electorate will be particularly sensitive to any such increase. This can adversely affect public opinion on Ukraine's support. Most European countries are just as vulnerable.

Russia has already transformed food supply to weapons, blocking exports of Ukrainian agricultural products; Further such acts of economic aggression can be expected. Since a full-scale invasion of Ukraine is approaching a two-year mark, and it is not visible to the end, despite the catastrophic losses , which guide most modern world leaders. The invasion of Ukraine is central to his dream of reviving the Russian Empire and restoring its status of the world superpower.

He is completely ready to pay a very high price to achieve his goal. Having resolved the bloodiest conflict in Europe since World War II, Putin burned all his bridges with the West. He is now preparing for a long war and is trying to consolidate the anti -Western authoritarian axis with China, Iran and North Korea. At this stage, it would be the acceptance of what is true to believe that Putin can be bribed by donating Ukraine.