
Finland has announced the provision of another military assistance package for the Armed Forces

The cost of a new military aid package is 159 million euros. In general, Finland has already supported the Armed Forces of Ukraine for 2. 2 billion euros. Finland President Alexander Stubb approved the government's proposal to allocate regular military assistance package to Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense of Finland informs about it. The report of the defense department states that this will be the 24th package of military assistance for Kiev. Its cost will be approximately 159 million euros.

"Finland is devoted to the support of Ukraine in its struggle against unjust Russian aggression. It is not only about Ukraine but also about the right of all free peoples to full existence. We, Finns, from our own history we know how important this issue is," the Office quoted Minister of Defense Anti Hikanen.

It is emphasized that for prompt reasons and to guarantee safe delivery of assistance, additional information about specific content, the method of delivery or the assistance schedule will not be provided. However, it is noted that this package of assistance has taken into account both the needs of Ukraine and the resource position of the defense forces. The total cost of defense materials delivered by Helsinki in Ukraine is already 2. 2 billion euros.