
"Shame for the USA": Peskov rang Baiden for "boorish" words about Putin (video)

The Russian head of the Russian head stated that the US President was demonstrating the behavior of "Hollywood cowboy style" and advised to look at at least one offensive statement in his address by Vladimir Putin. The Russian leader Dmitry Peskov said that President Joe Baiden's statements, who called Vladimir Putin "a crazy son", is "rudeness" and "shame" for the United States. About it reports Interfax. ru.

"As a Russian presidential pressure, I can say that such boom statements from the mouth of the President of the United States are unlikely to be able to somehow hit the head of another state, especially President Putin. But it is a huge shame for the country itself, I mean for the United States of America ", - Peskov said. According to him, if the president of "such a country" uses such vocabulary, then "it is ashamed.

" "It is clear that Mr Biden demonstrates for the domestic political interests in the style of Hollywood cowboy, he would very much like it, I do not think it is possible," - says Putin's press secretary. At the same time, Peskov advised to ask the President of the US President to make a selection of Putin's statement to Baiden. "As a Russian citizen, I really want to say: ask their assistants to make you a selection and find at least one offensive statement to your address by President Putin.

And again - should be ashamed," Peskov added. Recall that on Wednesday, February 21, US President Joe Biden, speaking to San Francisco at the event of fundraising in connection with climate change, called President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin the famous American abbreviation "SOB". In addition, the Head of the White House criticized the Exploration of America Donald Trump for his reaction to the death of Russia's main opposition leader Alexei Navalny.