
Underground schools, knocked out windows, distance learning: how the children of Ukraine started the school year during the war

In the capital, as a result of shelling, schools were damaged in Shevchenkivsky and Svyatoshinsky districts. In Kharkiv, children were sent to the dungeon. And in frontline regions, training will be held online. On September 2, the school year began in Ukraine. But Russia hit the largest cities of Ukraine with rockets.

It is unknown whether the goal was to destroy educational institutions, but it was definitely an attempt to spoil the small Ukrainians the beginning of the school year, because the well -known mania of Vladimir Putin to "tie" shelling to the dates. The focus understood how the feast of the first bell in different regions of Ukraine passed. For the most part, all regions of Ukraine can be divided into several categories by training: children will try to teach mixed: Offline and online.

Permits to teach children at school received those facilities where there is shelter. In the frontline areas, children will study remotely. And in the distant areas from the front - there were many forced displaced persons to local schools. On the night of September 2, the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation made a rocket strike in Kiev. In several districts, debris fell, buildings and cars, including the Pavilion of Svyatoshin metro stations.

In Kiev, as a result of the morning rocket attack, the windows in two schools were damaged. This was reported by the mayor of the capital Vitaliy Klitschko. The mayor stated that it was an educational institution in Shevchenkivsky and Svyatoshinsky districts. MAUP's children's and youth sports school is seriously damaged. "The public utilities promptly eliminate the damage. The educational process in these schools has begun," Klitschko said.

The Russian aggressors attacked the Ukrainian capital with rockets of different types, in total these missiles were about two dozen. Also due to the morning attack, the Islamic Cultural Center of the Spiritual Management of Muslims of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was seriously injured. In Kharkiv, 200 first -graders went to the first underground school built in the industrial area, in total, it will be attended in two changes of 1,100 children.

Kharkiv was attacked by Russia, seriously damaged the Palace of Sports, which is not recoverable. At an underground school in the industrial district was equipped with classes, a resource room, the institution received modern computer equipment, multimedia screens, 3D printer. Valentina Pukhliy, Director of Gymnasium No. 88, noted that the children will study offline. "We were not scared of explosions (early in the morning the industrial area was under the blow of the Russian Federation-ed.

We will teach underground, but all the conditions are created in this school, the institution has everything from information technologies, equipment to furniture, "the woman said. According to her, 450 children had to study at the school in two shifts, but 1,100 students have been recruited, and probably their number will increase. Lessons for the youngest students will last for 35 minutes. For three days, children will study at an underground school, two - remotely.

In Kharkiv, there are 53 thousand students (2,000 more than in the last academic year) and 75% of teachers (at the beginning of 2023 this figure was 60%). In total, 102. 5 thousand children will study in general secondary education institutions, including 5. 5 thousand offline: in six schools at the subway, underground school and two anti -radiation shelters. In the Dnieper, more than 318,000 students have started training today.

Different forms of education will be implemented in the schools of the region. This was reported by the head of Dniproov Sergey Lisak. According to the official, students will gain new knowledge in different formats. Most in the mixed, because almost 57% of education institutions will work. Another 28% is, otherwise remotely. 2024/2025 The academic year began in the educational institutions of Uzhgorod - 16,627 students will study here, more than 1900 - forced displaced persons.

Another 729 children will visit private institutions. 1378 students went to 1 grade. The City Council writes about it. 2 Vepeesnya, 38 general educational institutions were made in Kopyvnytskyi. In total, 24,750 schools were given the training, of which 14 519 study in the change, 5921 - in the DPUGU, 300 - in the TPET. In addition, 1855 students acquire knowledge remotely, 2155 - Experience and Family FOPMA.

In the schools of Kropyvnytskyi in the first semester, the next educational year will be two weekends a week. Autumn vacations were canceled. The first semester will end on December 13, the holidays will last a month, the second training semester will be held on January 13, 2025. There are 115 UKPITTs in the city's educational establishments, which are saved for 21116 seats. This is 670 more than at the beginning of the past training and 6,000 more than 2022.

74% of education institutions have generators for light shutdown. 75% of educational institutions have opened in Mykolaiv region. This was stated by the head of the Nikolaev ova Vitaliy Kim. He added that the commission was checked in these institutions and permission to start training was issued. "Those who have been tested and allowed to open are 295 educational institutions out of 418. This is 75%. Approximately 75,000 students have gone offline or mixed form today," Vitaliy Kim said.

In Zaporozhye, which is constantly fired by Russian troops, learning to organize only shifts. The head of Zova Ivan Fedorov told about it. "Unfortunately, we cannot give all 46,000 students to go to school daily. They will walk shift. Some class will go one week a month, the other class will go two weeks a month, but they will definitely study in a mixed formats . . . all the exercises will take place purely in shelters, so the children will be safe, "the official said.

Fedorov reported that the authorities seek to return all 55,000 students to the schools, so the construction of underground schools continues. The first of them will open in the fall, which will allow you to add more than 8 thousand places for offline training. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky also spoke about it, who together with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Dick Dick Stonof was attended by the first thematic lesson at one of the educational institutions of Zaporozhye.

The head of the Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov reminded Zelensky and Shatof that Zaporizhzhia is located close to the front and is under fire daily by the Russian Federation, so to ensure the educational process is equipped with audiences in shelters. According to him, the region is being implemented in the region for the construction of underground schools. By the end of the year, eight more establishments in shelters are planned to be equipped.

This will allow more than 6,000 students to acquire an offline. And in the lessons of protection of the country children teach the basics of first aid, mine safety and rules of handling dangerous items. In Odessa, the school year began without traditional lines. And the children were immediately brought to the bomb shelters. It was an alarm, but the first -timers should understand how they should behave during air alarm and shelling from Russia. Children will learn in two shifts.

In addition to Odessa, there are many children in the city's schools who, together with their parents, were forced to leave their homes. "We have many displaced persons, as far as possible - we accept everyone and try to help. Our students came from Nikolaev, Kherson, Mariupol and Kharkiv," says Elena Slinchak, director of one of the local schools. In front -line amounts, children will learn remotely.

The head of Sumy Regional Military Administration Volodymyr Artyukh reported the consequences of a missile attack of Russians on educational institutions of the regional center: "This crime once again proves that the enemy is insidious and its purpose is to destroy our people and our future - children. Education institutions in Sumy region will operate in a remote mode, "Artyukh said. Only during the Russian shelling, seven people were injured on September 1, including three children.

The mixed form will be able to study the students of those general secondary education institutions where anti -radiation shelters are equipped and appropriate acts have been adopted regarding their readiness. This was reported by the Head of the Department of Education of the Shostyn City Council Natalia Sergeyko. According to her, students of 13 of 24 institutions of general secondary education of the Shostka community are able to study in anti -radiation shelters at their request.

1 105 students of general secondary education institutions will come to the field training. On September 2, only three schools and one kindergarten began to work on the Right Bank of Kherson region. This was reported by the head of Kherson Ova Alexander Proudin. At the same time, 58,000 students from Kherson region will study this year.

Earlier in the Kherson region it was planned to restore mixed training in seven educational institutions located in Kherson, Belozersk, Chernobayev, Daryev and Vysokopol communities. But due to Russian aggression on the Right Bank of Kherson region, 289 educational institutions were damaged. Another 68 - completely destroyed. In the 2024-2025 academic year, more than 22,000 students are planning to cover the Kherson community in the Kherson community.