
A sign of aggression or something else: why the killes are smudged to attack the boats in the Gibraltar Strait

Another attack of whales on the boat again raised the question of what caused such a strange behavior of marine mammals. The last attack of the spys in the Polish yacht in the Gibraltar Strait, which was already written, happened on October 31, 2023. The whale attack lasted an incredible 45 minutes, during which they attacked a ship every now and then, which eventually led to its flood, IFLSCIENCE writes. Within 45 minutes, the killer hit the steering blade, causing increasing damage and leakage.

Fortunately, the Navy Morocco responded to the disaster signal: they managed to deliver the team to a safe place, but on the road to the port of the boat still sank. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! The motives of such whales, which are known for their intelligence and aggression, still remain unclear. The first attacks of sailing boats in the Gibraltar Strait occurred in 2020.

However, since then the killer has greatly improved their attacks, in addition, in different cases, whales used different tactics: sometimes animals simply fought on boats, and in others, they behaved more mercilessly and inadvertently sinking vessels. On the outside, such clashes should be considered as aggressive behavior, but experts suggest that it should be considered as a sign of more difficult behavior.

In particular, some researchers are convinced that in this way, killes actually demonstrate "playful social behavior. " Scientists believe that the killes are actually involved in a kind of challenge, which as if the virus extends to different groups of kids. Despite the complexity of the situation, scientists believe that whales do not actually attack boats and do not attack people with "thirst for blood".

There is a theory that the first attacks of boats in the Gibraltar Strait were probably a manifestation of cautious animal behavior. It is assumed that one of the females was injured as a result of collision with the boat, and therefore began to attack them and then taught such behavior in her group. Scientists insist that understanding the behavior of killer is important. First, the way we interpret the attacks of killes influences how we will respond to it.