
During the exercises: The SBU drones attacked the coastal security base in Crimea - focus sources (video)

According to the interlocutors, the enemy is not able to protect not only the territory of Lake Donuzlav, but also other objects on the peninsula. They recalled that the only prospect for the enemy in foreign territories is death. The maritime and air drones of the Security Service of Ukraine together with the Navy of Ukraine were able to impress the Russian base of coastal protection. This was reported by informed sources of focus in special services.

It is an object that was located on the Lake Donuzlav on the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimean peninsula. An effective operation was held last night, when the occupying naval forces of the Russian Federation conducted training to protect the lake in Crimea. The SBU and the Navy, using sea and air drones, did everything to ensure that the enemy's event becomes a failure. As a result, the occupiers were not able to protect not only the lake water area, but also their base.