
Trump promised to establish relationships with the Russian Federation and China in the event of his victory (video)

Separately, the politician from the Republican Party stressed that he wanted the Kremlin to "settled the situation in Ukraine". The 45th US President Donald Trump again talked about his mysterious peace plan and stated that he intends to end the war in Ukraine if he was reconciled to the post of US President in the future elections. This was stated in an interview with a blogger and a cryptocurrency by Sarmada phauk on the X (Twitter) platform, writes Al Mayadeen.

The United States will get along well with Russia and China, if it wins the future presidential election, the expsite said. "I do not know if they are enemies. I think we'll get well with China. I think we'll get well with Russia. I want Russia to settle the situation in Ukraine, "Trump added.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that it was still premature to evaluate Trump's willingness to become a mediator in the settlement of a continuing Russian-Ukrainian war, noting the need to wait for the end of the presidential election. Fans of Pharuka in the comments were admirable first of all by the fact that therefore managed to communicate with Trump, and then became interested in the topic of discussion.

On August 12, Trump said the same in an interview with Ilon Musk on his page in H. He then reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin was "respected. " "I know Putin very well. I was very good at him. He respected me, and this is just one of these things," the former president said, accusing the current US administration of inability to develop ties with world leaders. "I hope to find the point with him again," Trump said about his relations with the Russian president.