
No statement: ISW told why Putin is silent about the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine

According to analysts, the Kremlin wants to maintain the apathetic position of the Russians to a full -scale conflict and try to hide their own failures. In this regard, neither state media nor officials in any way responded to a significant date for Moscow. On February 24, it was the second anniversary from the beginning of a full -scale war in Ukraine, but in Russia the authorities and the media did not mention this date. They could try to hide their failure.

This is stated in the report of the Institute of War Study (ISW) of February 25. According to analysts, the enemy did not want to attract the people's attention to their failures, since no previously stated strategic task was fulfilled. For example, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation could not control completely Lugansk and Donetsk region, as well as the invaders suffer significant losses of personnel.

As a result, all of it led to the ISW representatives in the report that Russian officials and state media have decided to refrain from comments about the second anniversary since the beginning of a full -scale war. Also, a social survey was recently conducted within the country, showing that the moods of the Russians have been unchanged for several months. Most of the citizens surveyed are apathetic before the war, but at the same time do not support the second wave of mobilization.

Analysts added that such a position of a people who does not respond to what is happening in Ukraine is profitable for the Kremlin. In this regard, Russian President Vladimir Putin and other officials could refuse any coverage of the second anniversary. Accordingly, this makes it possible to continue the war without a significant public reaction.

As for the second wave of mobilization in Russia, the head of the state is aware that such a step will be unpopular and can cause widespread discontent, but this can still happen after the presidential election. After his probable re -election, he will be less worried about public sentiment. We will remind, on February 25 President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke about peace talks with Russia after 2 years of the war.