
The helicopters of the invaders, perhaps with Russian top officials - mayor advisor have arrived to Mariupol

Two Russian military helicopters and black SUVs were noticed in the temporarily captured Russians of Mariupol, said Petro Andryushchenko, an adviser to the mayor of the city. In Telegram, he said that on Thursday, August 11, Russian helicopters with Z laid, which resembled Mi-8, at 15:47 sat at the occupied city airport. Also, according to him, helicopters were flying over the Novoselivka district of the Central district at about 15. 30.

Already after planting helicopters in the city on the entrance to the Mangush noticed a tuple of black SUVs, he writes. "Given the comparison of facts - in Mariupol brought the highest level from Russia," Andryushchenko suggested. He links this visit to a decrease in the rate of recovery of Mariupol destroyed by Russians. Earlier, the mayor Vadim Boychenko said that the Russians will not be able to start and spend a heating season in Mariupol this year.