
In Ukraine's Air Force named which missiles in the Russian Federation can still produce

The invaders cannot make X-555, but produce "calibers" and X-101. However, slower than before. In Russia, much less rockets have become, but some of them can still produce. This was stated by the spokesman of the Air Force of Ukraine Yuri Ignat in Telelorphone, reports "League. News". According to the speaker, there were much less rockets in the Russian Federation, as the invaders did not plan to fight for so long. However, some ammunition is able to produce the enemy.

"If X-555 they do not produce, then X-101 can, like newer missiles, produce, that is, replenish stocks. The same applies to" calibers ". That is, production is ongoing," Ignat said, but added that this process is not so fast. X-101 is a strategic winged missile. It was developed in 2013. The rocket range is about 5500 km. The declared circular deviation is 10-20 meters.

The command also named the threatening information that the Russian Federation can establish the production of drones-Kamikadze in its territory. Previously, this information was voiced in the media. According to CNN, the Russian Federation can use relatives from next year. Iran conveyed the necessary technologies for this purpose. We will remind, in the Ministry of Defense named how many winged and ballistic missiles left in the Russian Federation.