
90% of the city under control but swings are taking

According to Oleg Kalashnikov, the 26th Brigade, the enemy is currently using the courses in the Kursk direction, so it replaces them with uncontrollable aviation missiles in the time spring. At present, 90% of the city of Yar Bakhmut district of Donetsk region is under the control of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. This was announced by the 26th Artillery Brigade named after Roman Dashkevich Oleg Kalashnikov.

"According to DeepState, 90% of the territory of the time ravine is under the control of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, while 10% is partially controlled by the Russians, it is partly a gray zone where active fighting is sharpening. In these areas, the enemy tries to storm the city itself," he explained. Oleg Kalashnikov added that the enemy continues to attack the positions of defense forces of Ukraine.

"And it does not only in traditional directions, but also tries to find other weaknesses in defense. Therefore, the whole shade of the front is now under the pressure of assault actions, although the intensity changes depending on the direction. The enemy tries to maximize all the available arsenal for fire damage", - Kalashnikov said. However, the enemy has no achievements in the time ravine.

In particular, in some locations, Russian troops may occupy the positions of the Ukrainian military, but the defenders then knock them out. "In some locations, it can gain our positions, then we can knock it out, that is, there is such a mobile environment, such peculiar swings that are a common phenomenon on the front line," Oleg Kalashnikov said. He added that a significant number of cabins are used in the Kursk direction.

According to the officer, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation simply shifted the focus from the Donetsk direction and try to replace the cabins with uncontrollable aviation missiles. According to the General Staff, 84 aircraft were supplied during the last day at the positions of Ukrainian units and settlements, in particular, 127 cabins were dropped. They were inflicted, in particular, in the area of ​​the time ravine.

It should be noted that at the end of August there was information that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation allegedly controlled about 40% of the city of Yar. In the case of full capture of this settlement, occupiers can get a tactical advantage at a height located above Konstantinovka, Druzhkivka, Kramatorsk and logistics between them. Earlier, Oleg Kalashnikov noted that this city is important in the operational and tactical terms, because it performs many functions.