
"Quotes its order in positions": The Armed Forces fighter showed a rescued raccoon (video)

According to the Ukrainian defender, the animal, which was named Slavko, becomes more social and "creates chaos". The military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine rescued and sheltered the raccoon. Funny videos with a pet is published by TikTok user with Nick Bob_ukrop. "Slavko creates chaos, you do not get rid of this harmful," the military said. In another publication, the Ukrainian defender notes that the raccoon becomes more social, everywhere climbs and touches things.

According to him, the animal also learned to "swear food". In one of the video, the raccoon studies the windowsill and the surface of the table, grabbing the paws of different objects. The video of the video of the video Slavko does not respond to the author. In other videos, you can also see how the beast washes its toy in the basin and eats a dog intended. The video with the animal was commented by Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov, noting that the raccoon was rescued by Ukrainian servicemen.

"The raccoon-eater is saved and supplied by our warriors, nicknamed" Slavko "in positions," he wrote. We will remind, on January 23 the edition of Rolitico published an article about how cats help soldiers as emotional support, attract donations for the military, and also fight the invaders - with mice. Earlier, on July 3, the Fighter of the Armed Forces Oleksandr Lyashuk told the story of his cat, nicknamed the puck. According to the military, the cat disappeared for almost three weeks.