
"No one in the world": expert voiced the failure of fail

According to Pavel Lakichuk, the head of the Globalism Center for the Security of the Center for Globalism, the enemy's unpredictable weapons are much more threat than high -precision missiles. For example, during the test of "maces", Norwegians observed incomprehensible natural phenomena. The test of the intercontinental ballistic missile PC-28 "Sarmat" Russia seeks to show the world the commissioning of a new "super-weapon", which is part of nuclear blackmail by Vladimir Putin.

Expert Pavel Lakichuk, Head of the Security Programs of the Center of Globalism "Strategy XXI" told this on Radio NV. The expert commented on Russia's failure in the tests of the PC-28 "Sarmat" missile. He noted that such failed launches are not news, mentioning Sarmat's explosion in February 2022. Despite this, in September 2023, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the rocket was put on combat duty. "It is very difficult to hide the explosion of a rocket of such a ballistic class.

Now we see that in Plesetsk a remarkable crater is left of a mine, in which, apparently, the PC-28 was. The expert also compared to the DPRK, noting that the North Korean missiles, although gathering from the same components, show higher efficiency. In Ukraine. It is only a plus for us, "Lakichuk said. In his opinion, unpredictable weapons can be a threat to all. " When the enemy has a reliable accurate weapon - it is truly scary. But when the enemy has something unpredictable, it is even more scary.

Where it will fly, that it will bring and how it will come - no one in the world knows. Once tested the Russian "mace", the Norwegians watched the incomprehensible natural phenomena in the air, "Lakichuk explained. Back in September 19, the speaker of the Russian State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin said that Russia could strike an intercontinental ballistic missile" Sarmat "in case of Ukraine.