
"Very behind": the Armed Forces fighter disassembled a trophy drone Kamikadze and revealed how to overcome them

Ukrainian manufacturers and military are why learning from the occupiers, in particular, it is necessary to simplify the management of FPV-Drons for unexplored operators, says Yevgeny Strokan. The Russian army uses a lot of cheap drones-Kamikadze against the Defense Forces of Ukraine and quite effectively. The Ukrainian military Eugene Strokan wrote about it on the social network X (Twitter) and shared his ideas on how to deal with them.

He reported that a Russian drone (FPV), which did not explode, had recently arrived on one of the Armed Forces, and this allowed him to explore how he was arranged. The warrior noted a good selection of components, many of them use Ukrainian manufacturers, but there are significant differences. For example, the frame in the Russian Federation was exacerbated by individual carbon sticks, probably not so much for strength, but for the fight against vibrations.

The quadcopter is clearly mass production, because it has a serial number. According to Eugene Strokon, the Russians collected the machine for fast, while spending about $ 500 - this is more than the majority of Ukrainian teams are spending. As the military learned, the model is called "Vladlen Tatarsky" (in honor of the dead "military"), made within the framework of the project "Judgment Day" and is very scattered in the Russian Federation.

There were as many as 12,000 units of such drones, and all of them were private. After examining Vladlen's equipment, Eugene came to the conclusion: manufacturers have cut his capabilities to make control as simple as possible for the soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The copter is very slowly returning around his axes (100 degrees per second), giving an unintended operator to choose the route more accurately.

"It seems to me that we also need to think about a similar scheme of use of FPV. That is, for beginners (in reality for the majority) to make simpler and cheaper FPVs. And as a result, such FPV will occupy somewhere 80% of everyone," the fighter commented. Unlike the UAV itself, the ammunition for him is most likely to do the military right in the trench.

It was a plastic tube, stuffed with plastids, and from the outside, steel balls from the bearing were glued to the adhesive tape, about 2 kg came out. Such a device had a detonator from RGO grenade. "That is, they sacrificed the likelihood of working in an agreement of simplicity of ammunition. Because there simply pulled the ring and the bird flew, and when it hit something - badabum. But the problem is that when it gets into the net, there is not to work. nets.

Here you just save life, " - explained the author of the post. The Russian battery was put in a capacity of 6500 mac-this is enough to strike at a distance of 7-8 km, but you can change it if necessary. Factory stated motors (1 motor) with screws 9*5*3 with 50% thrust and 24 volts: 1 020 g; At 100% thrust and 24 volts - 3041 grams. The copter uses frequencies in the 1. 3 GHz range to transmit video signal and 800-900 MHz-for management, which is normal practice.

"The Russians with drones are all well. FPV is covered with us. He suggested protecting the positions of defense forces with ordinary camouflage or fishing nets with a large cell, hanging them from above and on the sides-then it is likely that the enemy dron-Kamikadze would simply get stuck and detract, and the operator will not even see the trap. In turn, Ukrainians should stop using handicraft ammunition for FPV-pings, and make them massively, standardized at the state level.

It is better to equip the drones with a combat part, and then to account all together in warehouses and write off as one unit. "The ammunition should be easy to use, and the preparation for operation is much simpler than what manufacturers offer in Ukraine now (a bunch of fuses and dancing with tambourines). Also, ammunition should be with self -liquidation function so that our bird does not hang on the grid. ", - added Eugene.

According to the warrior, Ukrainians now need to sacrifice money for drones and create a social request for the production of FPV-rampants by the state in very large quantities. At the cost of 20 thousand hryvnias per piece it is possible to buy 45 such UAVs only for those funds that they wanted to spend on children's drums in the bomb shelters of Kiev (over UAH 890 thousand), about the same amount of one shot for the anti -tank missile complex (PTRC).

"And at the price of one tank, you can buy 4000 FPV. Just think. But we need tens of thousands of FPV-Kamikadze for a month. Only the state can cover such a request. Therefore, it is very important to speak about it," the serviceman said. In June, a scandal around the drums, which was purchased by the administration of the Dnieper district of Kyiv, broke out. In the tender, officials indicated that musical instruments were necessary for children to be easier to overcome air alarm in shelters.