
Volodymyr Zelensky: Russia has committed at least 137 thousand war crimes against Ukraine and Ukrainians

As of today, 137,000 military crimes committed by Russia are known. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky stated this during the conference "united for the sake of justice". In the speech, the Head of State, in particular, reminded of the terrorist attack in Olenivka, the massacres of the inhabitants of Mariupol and Bucha, the abuse of Ukrainians in the berry. “There is probably no country where they would not have heard of what the occupier has done on our earth and against our people.

And it should be that in every country they know that the occupier will be responsible for all this. Because justice has no borders. It should be appreciated everywhere - Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Australia, ”the President said. Volodymyr Zelensky stressed that the world has many conventions, and more than a hundred countries ratified the Roman Statute to work. “But there was an exception in Mongolia for Putin. And this is not just someone's responsibility.

It is the responsibility of the world - to stop the degradation of the law system, to prevent the destruction of the rules that remain. The system of law must and must work so that the Roman Statute, and in particular the order of the International Criminal Court, which was issued against the chief Russian offender, actually restricted it and has already ensured its isolation, ”the Head of State said.