
We still have to strengthen our cooperation with partners to overcome Russian terror - the President of Ukraine's address

Ukrainians! Ukrainians! All Europeans! But everyone in the world who thinks that terror should not have a place on Earth. Why is the largest source of terror in the world - Russia - can still wage this war? And why can she wage war so cruelly and cynically? Only one reason is not enough pressure on Russia. There is not enough response to the terror of this state. Just look at what Russia allows. No other terrorist has never done it in history - so much at the same time.

Radiation terror at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. Six units! Only the presence of Russian troops at the station, only permanent Russian provocations and shelling of the territory of the station put Ukraine and all Europe on the border of a radiation disaster. Energy terror. Residents of many countries of the world suffer from a painful increase in energy prices - electricity, heat. Russia does it consciously. Deliberately destabilizes the gas market in Europe.

Deliberately limits our Ukrainian ability to export electricity to Europe. Exports of electricity from Ukraine could relieve the severity of the energy crisis in Europe as exports of our food relieves the severity of the food crisis in the world. Terror is a very cynical and absolutely calculated tactics of Russia. And it is directed not only against the poor countries, but against those regions of the world, from which new refugees can be raised in Europe.

The acute migration crisis in Europe is the calculation of the terrorist state. Fortunately, we managed to reach an export grain initiative together with our partners, together with the UN, Turkey. Russia was forced to unlock our ports. But now she threatens blockade again. And how does the world react? There is still no official recognition of Russia by the state - sponsor of terrorism.

Until now, citizens of the terrorist state can go to Europe to rest and shopping, they can still receive European visas, and no one knows whether there are executioners or murderers who have just returned from the occupied territory of Ukraine. So far, Russian propagandists can work in those countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe, which is threatened by the greatest chaos through the price and energy crisis created by Russia.

We still have to ask for help with the protection of our sky from Russian missiles - after 200 days of a full -scale war! Yesterday and today the Russian army struck Ukrainian energy infrastructure. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians were in the dark - without electricity. Houses, hospitals, schools, communal infrastructure . . . Russian missiles have hit those objects that have nothing to do with the infrastructure of our country's armed forces.

On the one hand, it is a sign of despair of those who came up with this war. So they respond to the defeat of the Russian forces in the Kharkiv region. They can do nothing with our heroes on the battlefield, and therefore Russia directs its draft strikes against civilian infrastructure. On the other hand, Russia is trying to prevent us from directing Ukraine's opportunities to stabilize the situation in Europe. Our electricity exports are what Russia is now very afraid of.

Because we can break Russian plans for the devastation of the pockets of Europeans this winter because of crazy energy prices. We still have to strengthen our cooperation to overcome Russian terror. It is necessary to recognize Russia with a terrorist state. To strengthen sanctions - an eighth sanction package of the EU is required. Increase assistance to Ukraine and, above all, accelerate the provision of air defense systems.

I thank all the rescuers who fought with the consequences of Russian rocket strokes on energy sites. Hundreds of settlements in several regions of Ukraine have been deactivated through these blows.

At the submission of the Minister of Internal Affairs, I would like to note today the contribution to the stabilization of the Major General of the Civil Defense Service Alexander Volobuyev, the colonel of the civil protection service Alexander Mislavsky, the senior lieutenant of the civil protection service of Vitaliy Dyabka, the ensign of the civil protection service of Denisa Kostenko. Thank you.

Thank you and your colleagues! The energy supply of Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Sumy region, Kharkiv region and the city of Kharkiv was restored. But today there are new blows to energy sites. New shutdowns in Kharkiv. And we must be aware that the meanness of Russian terrorists has no limits - they will try to make the systemic and such a form of terror.

On my behalf, the Prime Minister of Ukraine held a meeting with the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Regional Development, the Ministry of Regional Development, the Ministry of Regional Defense. The coordination headquarters will be formed to respond rapidly to all such manifestations of Russian terror. Funds for the repair of damaged objects will also be allocated to assist in de -occupied territories.

From the first days of September to this day, our soldiers have already released more than 6,000 square kilometers of Ukraine - in the east and in the south. The movement of our troops continues. I thank the 57th Separate Infantry Brigade, which resumed after heavy fighting in the east and very bold, very confidently moving forward in the south.

I thank the 59th separate infantry brigade for the steady movement forward, despite the features of the open terrain, despite the artillery of the invaders. I thank the soldiers of the 128th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade for the release of several settlements and very effective actions to neutralize the enemy's activity. Guys, you are real heroes! I want to thank our anti -aircraft today today. Yesterday we all saw the consequences of Russian blows.

But most of the terrorist missiles managed to knock down. Nine of 12 rockets were shot. Seven rockets were shot down by warriors of the 138th Dnieper anti-aircraft missile brigade of the East Air Command and two missiles knocked down the defenders of the sky of the 96th Kiev anti-aircraft missile brigade of the Central Air Command.