
Ukrainian refugees in Denmark have to return home after the war is over - minister

Denmark's immigration Minister Kore Dubvad said that the country's authorities are considering the stay of Ukrainian refugees in the Danish territory as temporary, regardless of where they came from. Denmark Minister of Immigration and Integration Cory Dubvad believes that Ukrainian refugees who are currently residing in the Danish territory will have to return home after peace has come in Ukraine. On December 22, "European Truth" reported with reference to the Danish media.

According to the Minister, the Denmark authorities are considering the stay of Ukrainian refugees in the country as temporary, and it does not matter where and from which regions they came. Meanwhile, Dubvad added that Ukrainians are "culturally closer" to the Danes than natives of the Middle East. The official also noted that the Ukrainian authorities repeatedly voiced the desire to return home those citizens who left Ukraine because of the full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation.

"And we have to respect it," Dubvad said. It should be noted that according to Copenhagen University, which is referred to by Dan Dr K, almost 50% of all Ukrainian refugees living in Denmark do not want to return home, even if the war in Ukraine is over. At the same time, "European Truth" observers report that more than 30,000 Ukrainians have been registered in Denmark today who left after February last year.

Danish journalists recalled that on March 17, 2025, a special law will expire for Ukrainians, so there will be no special regime for them. "Thus, they have to return to their country, unless they apply for asylum or residence permit, for example, for one of our business-schemes, and they will not be granted this permission,"-summed up in Dr K.

We will remind, the German editions were quoted by the words of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umerov, who during an interview spoke about the mobilization of Ukrainian men of conscript age living in Germany. After the interview was published on December 21, the head of the press and information of the Ukrainian Ministry, Hilarion Pavlyuk, stated that German journalists had shifted the accent, and no call mechanisms of conscription from the Armed Forces from abroad on the agenda.