
Annexation canceled? Why "PMR" accused Moldova of "Economic Blockade" but did not ask for Russia

The seventh congress of the Transnistrian "deputies" was without military rhetoric. Understanding the danger of opening a second front with Ukraine, the separatists did not risk being admitted to Russia. The focus understood what to expect from the unrecognized republic and whether the escalation of the conflict was possible. Self -proclaimed Transnistria sought help from Russia through the "economic blockade" of Moldova.

Deputies of the pro -Russian enclave reflected all complaints in the declaration approved on February 28 at the Seventh Congress. "Moldova actually resolved the Economic War against Transnistria, intentionally creating the preconditions for a multimillion -dollar budget deficit," the document reads.

Separatists appealed to the OSCE, the CIS, the European Parliament, the Red Cross and even the UN Secretary General to "influence the leadership of Moldova and to stop the violation of the rights and freedoms of the inhabitants of Transnistria. " Deputies emphasize that more than 220,000 Russian citizens reside in the Transnistrovska Moldavian Republic (PMR "). The Congress asks the UN, the CIS and other international organizations to prevent escalation in the relations of Chisinau and Tiraspol.

In the political life of Transnistria, the congress of deputies of all levels is considered an important event. It was last in 2006, and then a referendum took place, at which 97. 1% of residents spoke for independence with further accession to Russia. Before the Congress, the Transnistrian oppositionist Gennady Chorba stated that local deputies may ask Russian President Vladimir Putin to accept unrecognized "PMR" as part of Russia.

The Russian media, citing the Transnistrian parliamentarians, write that no one will talk about the inclusion of Transnistria in Russia. The pressure in Tiraspol is considered to be the adoption of Chisinau of the New Customs Code, it operates since January 2024 and allegedly laid the Transnistrian companies by customs. The Criminal Code was also replenished with the article on separatism, which threatens many Transnistrian politicians.

The Moldavian side publicly speaks of the absence of plans for military capture or forced joining of the region. "The only solution is the complete reintegration of the region. All we want is Tiraspol's gradual return to the legal field. No other scenarios are considered," said Oleg Serebryan, at the end of January January. Appeal to Russia for Transnistria would be a dangerous step, as it will instantly open the second front with Ukraine.

In Tiraspol, this is understood and seeking to preserve peace, said the interlocutor of the Kommersant newspaper. "From what can be anticipated, there will be an appeal to the international community explaining the situation around the republic. There will be such a bell that the situation can be exacerbated at any moment and that Tiraspol does not want exacerbation," the source emphasizes.

According to the head of the Ukrainian Center for Security and Cooperation Sergiy Kuzan, the separatists prepared a picture for the final stage of Vladimir Putin's election campaign. However, the desire to control the gray zone has become stronger than to share power with Russia. "Corruption won the Russian peace. Today, the deputies of the congress voted carefully, remembering the old conflicts with Chisinau. The appeal of accession to the Russian Focus expert.

The enclave does not want to fight and turn the territory into "L/DNR". Kuzan is convinced that the sooner Ukraine, Moldova and Romania the issue of Transnistria, the better it will be for everyone. "Oddly enough, the forces of Ukraine's defense have played a major role in preventing escalation in the region. Therefore, Transnistria is afraid of radical steps of friendship with Moscow," the expert notes.

In an attempt to rock the situation in PMR, the Russian authorities aimed to show opportunities for the capture of Odessa and attack on Romania, commented on the focus of the expert of the National Institute for Strategic Studies Alexei Hizhak. According to the analyst, small units of Russian peacekeepers will not be able to support the initiatives of the "authorities" of the region.

In addition, Putin was deprived of the opportunity to say at the Federal Assembly about "the offensive of Russia on all fronts" in Ukraine, in particular in the Odessa region. "The Defense Forces of Ukraine will quickly solve the task of eliminating the grouping and arsenals with ammunition. The question remains - whether Moldova or Romania will ask. If these two countries do not interfere and are silent, it makes no sense to take responsibility for this territory," the expert said.

Moscow also does not have the opportunity to supply military goods and personnel to Transnistria to support its military contingent. The transfer of forces by air, earth and sea is doomed to failure due to constant monitoring of the situation of the Armed Forces. There is only an option to strike air and maritime rockets, as well as Shahd drones in Moldova, and Ukrainian military experts warn.