
"68 years ate British dishonest": Putin forbade the British to catch fish in the Barents Sea

The agreement that allowed British fishermen to fish has been in operation since 1956. According to the speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, the fish diet of UK residents 40% consists of Russian cod. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law on cancellation of the Agreement of 1956, under which the UK was allowed to fish in the Russian Barents Sea zone. About it reports "RIA Novosti".

Following the decision of the Kremlin head, the State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin stated that Putin had returned to the Russians the fish, which was "eaten by the British, unknown. " "Sanctions have declared us, and 40% of their diet, the Fisherman's menu is formed from our cod. Now let them lose weight. - said Volodin.

The deputy chairman of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture Maxim Uvidov called a unilateral agreement signed between the USSR and the United Kingdom, which continued to operate with the Russian Federation as the successor of the Union. According to him, it granted the right only "our partners", but it did not expand Russian fishermen.

It is reported that during the refusal of the agreement, the Russian parliamentarians also took into account the steps of the United Kingdom in bilateral trade with the Russian Federation. London introduced an additional 35 percent tariff for the import of a number of Russian goods. The increased duty extends to: iron, steel, fertilizers, wood, cement, copper, aluminum, silver, white fish and more. In the British market, white fish with the Russian Federation was replaced by Norwegian and Iceland.