
Melovin, Lera Mandyuk, Muesliua: What stars memory morning on the first day of the war

February 24, 2022 - This day Ukrainians are mentioned with horror. After all, it was then that the morning began not with coffee, not with a smile or greetings, not with surprises, but from explosions outside the window, from the sounds of sirens and from the news that began the war. After that, the lives of Ukrainians were divided into "before" and "after". Two years have passed, and the memories of that day still live inside everyone. They can not be forgotten, or to beat with happy moments.

As the war continues, this pain will live in the heart. On the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine and the invasion of the Russian Federation, the focus prepared a selection of memories from the stars of Ukrainian show business, who told what they remembered on February 24, 2022. Singer Alena omargalieva confesses that like most Ukrainians, they woke up with the explosions with their family, but did not believe that the war had begun.

"The morning of February 24 2022 began with explosions. At first we did not believe that the war began. How would you believe that? Read news, call your relatives, friends. We wanted to hear their voices to make sure all alive and healthy. Two days we were probably sleeping only 3-4 hours a day, we were chained near TVs, waited for news where we would tell us that all is well that everything was over. I didn't want to eat at all, though I automatically made some sandwiches, "the singer said.

Musliua group is an incognito band that has created music from real stories of Ukrainians since the beginning of a full -scale war, saying that, like most Ukrainians, they did not expect that news of the possible offensive could be a reality. "On February 24, as for every Ukrainian, it began quite unexpectedly. We all listened to the possible beginning of the war, but no one seriously thought and believed in it.

That morning will remain in memory forever, because the whole country was blown away from terrible explosions. On February 24, as well as a few months, it is a time when we slept little and many monitors. The fear, the panic and the misunderstanding, which will be further flew in the air, will forever be associated with the day of 2022 ", - the band members told.

The large mom, influenzer and founder of the United For Freedom Charitable Movement Irina Adonina confessed that her morning on February 24, 2022 began with a call of a girlfriend, who reported that the war had begun. "February 24 changed the life of 180 ° because values ​​changed. The morning of February 24 was terrible as it was for every Ukrainian.

We believed to the last one that there could be no war in the 21st century, because Ukraine is a European civilized state where the standard of living is much better than in any countries of the world. As the time has shown time in his experience, he is really higher. Therefore, everything that happened was unpredictable for us. We watched political reviews, listened to news, but understand And really to realize what war could begin. We could not.

It was especially scary to wake up from my girlfriend's phone call, who said that the war had begun. When I looked out the window, I saw those horrible, not festive, salutes. I opened social networks and I saw that our country was just burning. The understanding that I have three young children at home and that the main thing now is to save their lives, completely changed my consciousness, "Irina confessed.

Ukrainian singer and composer Nikita Kiselyov said that his morning began with the sounds of explosions. The day before, he agreed with his friends, if something started, then they would go to a country house. "On February 24, I woke up very early, at 5:00 am, and heard explosions. I was in Kiev, at home with friends.

Long before the start of the invasion, we heard with them the news that predicted it, so we agreed that In the event of a full -scale war, we will meet in a country house where there is a provision and a bomb shelter. We gathered, took my mom and went to this house, which was in the hell of the events at that time - in Bucha. That day, we monitored the news all day long and all tried together. To support each other. We spent a great time in Bucha and during the occupation as well, "Nikita admitted.

Read also: Tamerlan spoke sharply about bloggers who were engaged in charity fees, Ukrainian actress Anastasia Tsymbalas admitted that on the eve of the war with her husband worked a lot, so they slept very firmly that night that they did not even hear the first sounds of explosions. "The first sirens and explosions I and I slept with my husband, as on the eve of a full-scale war we finished long-lasting shooting and after a hard day's work decided to spend time with friends.

We sat down then until 3am, not knowing what would be tomorrow. parents. Hearing the news, there were no panic. The first seconds were fear, but we quickly took our hands. We recently read our family chat and surprised the correspondence with each chaotic. From that day, I remember the night in the parking lot: cold, strangers, frightened animals, confusion, but at the same time unity and support.

At that moment, everyone was in the head of everyone, "we will all overcome everything," the actress said. He confessed that his war was found in his friends. The first day near his parents' house was a "arrival. " about the invasion. He ran into the room and said, "You don't worry, but there are nuances, bro. " After that, he opened the window from which the sounds of the siren came. It was very strange and creepy for the first time . . .

The brightest memory of the morning when I wrote to all my family and friends, as we all gathered together to decide what to do and where to go. There were no thoughts, breakfast, I only felt anxiety. The first arrival near my parents' house, and I was constantly worried about them until they came to me at noon. Then I gathered a guitar, a few variables of T -shirts and that was enough for me. We left Kiev at 2-3 hours, "the singer said.

The Ukrainian singer Masha Danilova remembers that she woke up from the sounds of explosions and could not understand what was happening for a long time. " That morning was definitely scary. Honestly, two years have passed, I remember not as clearly as before. On that day, I woke up and jumped very sharply from the bed, and then 5 seconds tried to understand what was happening. I immediately had the idea that, probably, this was still the war.

When there is a stressful situation, I always blunt the reaction, so I do not remember everything in the smallest detail. Then I tried to look for news on television, bloggers. I very clearly remember how I sat on the sofa and started to flip through the ribbon. Even then, we gathered a alarming suitcase and left for the cottage, "the girl said. The singer Melovina caught the war in the capital.

That night he did not sleep for a long The fact that such a war was possible in the 21st century, and therefore did not prepare for it. On the night of February 23 to 24, I was home, in Kiev, and I didn't sleep. He opened a gift from his fans and began to collect a large Lego piano. It took me so much that it was not to sleep. I heard the first explosion at 1:53 and wrote about it in my team. I was reassured - it was quiet in the news, so no one attached importance.

Already in the morning, after the 5th, I heard another explosion, from which the windows began to tremble . . . A few strong explosions and a loud whistle! I called the team, as it turned out, it was already heard. Going to the Internet, we saw official information from our authorities-the war began, "the singer said. After the news he and his team did not delay and began to collect things quickly. Already at 8 am, Melovin with the team and friends left for Lviv. The singer took his cat with him.

"What we saw on the street did not fit in his head! People were frightened, threw things into the trunk and just drove away from this, thousands of cars, multi -kilometer traffic jams, queues to fill the car. Everything like a fog. I remember that we were asleep in the back seat in turn, woke up from air anxiety and thought that we would all stop. And while I was driving, I wrote the song "Do not delay".

So, the first days I was devastated, I did not understand what was happening, but I knew one thing - we had to go west the country. This was done by my parents - we called and they also decided to gather and leave Odessa - they took the dog and left their home. And then active volunteer work and a bunch of charity concerts began, "the singer summarized. Read also: the second anniversary of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation.

, and after awakening my relatives and they designed a plan of action together. "My morning started from a call and I heard," Get up, war began. " It was a deep shock for me and the first thing I started to do - read the news. My parents and brothers were still asleep, I woke them up in an hour, because before that I could not gather and just went nervously around the house. I realized that life was divided into and after.

There were many emotions during this period: fear, despair, misunderstanding of how to act and how to help. The most striking emotion is confusion, "- said the singer. The Ukrainian singer Enleo confessed that the war came two days after his birthday. The day before he had a concert after which he fell asleep when he received a call from the girl and learned that the war had begun.

"On the evening of February 22, I played a concert and went home, and on February 23, I slept almost all day and woke up very late and sat in the morning at home, as I heard the explosion. The alarm, the girl calls me and says "there the war began", I say "What war?" It was full of chaos. We stayed with friends for several days in the apartment, sometimes we went down to the bomb shelter, when on February 27 we decided to go in Chernivtsi. We tried to get on the train, we were 2 guys and 8 girls.

When we came to the station there was a million people, everyone panicized and did not know what would happen next. Solid panic. In the end, we reached, according to my estimates, there were more than 150 people in one car. " This is how I remember my morning on February 24. After this phrase, I immediately heard the explosions and began to call my loved ones.

We were preparing for the invasion with her husband - we prepared documents for animals, passed a course in self -defense and tactical medicine. We were together. All day, I went to the house of a shot in tactical glasses. For reinsurance, and suddenly there will be shelling? All day it consisted of monitoring of news and answers to a bunch of messages, because I always wanted to hear the same "all OK" from their loved ones.

I also received a lot of messages from my subscribers, sought for advice and with help. We did everything in our power, "- said the blogger. Read also: Focus will present the rating" Friend of Ukraine- 2023 ": who of the international politicians helped Kiev rock musician Sasha Chemerov said that he was caught in the capital with his family. " I was with my wife and two children in Kiev. The daughter at the time of a full -scale invasion was 12 years, and her son for 7 months.

On February 24, my wife was outside the city, I stayed at home with my children. And in the morning we just slept. At 4 am she called me, "Sasha, the war began. " At first I did not believe, and when I looked out the window - I saw a glow. I quickly called the mother -in -law to be with her children, and he left his wife. We spent about three days just on parking. They lived on the 13th floor, so we had to run back and forth. It was not clear at all how to respond to everything that was happening.

And on the fourth day we went to my brother to another area, they spent another week in the cellars until I decided that the family needed to be taken out. It happened just when the enemy columns began to move to Kiev, "Alexander said. At that time he went to the Zhytomyr highway, but she was too dangerous, so he decided to go to the fields.

So they went with his family to Lviv for 28 hours with some incomprehensible trails After, somewhere during the week he was engaged in documents, and subsequently removed the family to the United States (previously they lived there for eight years). There Alexander opened the Foundation and began to take up assembly for ammunition, medicines and food. The genre, twice the winner of the TV show "Laugh Comedian" by Lera Mandyuk said that her war was caught in Mukachevo.

"On February 24 I had very good plans. I had a concert in Bukovel. And came two days before Transcarpathia to visit her young man. She thought that I would be a little bit of the road, and he would take me to Bukovel. But the day before, I was called and said that the concert would not be due to the fact that most people leave hotels in large numbers. And I remember, I still thought, "Where do you go, I have a concert.

What did you come up with?" But it turned out that the people who lived there knew a little more than I was. And they were probably warned. So, on February 24 in the morning, I met in Mukachevo with my young man. He woke me up, said that the invasion began and immediately went in business, helping relatives, mom, buying gasoline, and everything necessary. I was staying at home and I had one simple task- to keep calm and call my mom so she would not worry that I was, in fact, "Ler's admitted.

The actress also told that she remembers her thoughts then. They They were different from all the people around her. Because everyone said that it would end before dinner, it would end by the evening that it was two days and end. And she was the opposite. "I thought everything, Game Over Mario . , that there is no Kiev. I didn't have the one that was over. On the contrary, I had the thoughts that it is forever. This is a disaster and we don't live. That's something like that.

I didn't have optimistic thoughts at all. As always, my mom was very impressed in my beloved situations. My funny is little. I remember if I called her somewhere at lunch, ask how she was doing, whether she was aware. She cried very. I call her, she cries, I say, what's the matter. She says the war began. And that we have already seen a tank near the school in the village. It was very funny, because they did not reach Kiev then, and I had already seen a tank in my neighbor.

Here my mom thought that the Russian soldiers were already going to us, they were gasping. These were very striking events that clearly reflected in my jokes, "Lera admitted. On this day, 24. 02 I enrolled in my teeth. I really wanted to whiten my teeth and record a new song that day. And then I woke up from my mom's call. She said that the war started and invited me to come to her. I was traveling through all Kiev , and it was very creepy . . . There are no people around, only a few men with a weapon.