
The Russian Federation wants to bypass the sanctions of the event: Putin's daughter will expand the Kremlin's influence in Africa - the media

According to journalists, the Kremlin seeks closer ties with the countries of the global south to gain more opportunities to bypass the sanctions imposed by the West. The daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin Kateryna Tikhonova will expand the influence of the Kremlin in Africa. About it reports Bloomberg. It is reported that officials of about three dozen African countries have been invited to Moscow to meet with Russian IT professionals and investors who offer digital services.

The event will take place next month. According to journalists, the Project is supporting the Innopractic Center, affiliated with the National Intellectual Development Fund. The CEO of the Foundation is Putin's younger daughter Kateryna Tikhonova. The publication writes that the Kremlin seeks closer ties with the countries of the Global South to get more opportunities imposed by the West.

The Russian Federation can gain an advantage in competition with China, the US and the EU for influence in Africa, promoting its experience in cybersecurity, state services and other areas. "The meeting of African officials in Russia is part of an information-propaganda project called" E-Governance Exchange Program ", which the Foundation launched in July together with the Moscow Higher School of Economics," the material reads.

Journalists noted that Putin hides her personal life, as well as the private lives of 37-year-old Tikhonova and her senior sister of 38-year-old Maria Vorontsova. Moreover, the Kremlin head did not even admit that they were his daughters. The United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom imposed sanctions against both women in April 2022.

The US Ministry of Finance stated that Tikhonova's work is supporting the Russian defense industry, while Vorontsova "manages the state -funded programs that have received billions of dollars from the Kremlin in genetic research. " It is noted that some programs are controlled by Putin personally. It should be reminded that on November 28 it was reported that the United States strengthened sanctions for violation of the price ceiling for Russian oil.