
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation lost the anniversary hundredth tank T-90m: why is it worse than Western cars

Vladimir Putin called T-90m "the best tank in the world. " However, the realities of hostilities have shown what are the vulnerability and disadvantages of "gaps". From the beginning of the full-scale war, the Russian army has lost the 100th T-90M tank. Focus analyzed how the car showed itself in the fields of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Propagandists in the Russian Federation praise and exaggerate the characteristics of the T-90m tank.

They were joined by President Vladimir Putin, who called "the best tank in the world. "Now it can be said that T-90" slid "is the best tank in the world. It is as soon as it comes to position, everything. There is nothing to do. There is nothing more far, more accurate, more accurate and the most protected," Putin said in June 2023.

The Oryx project, which calculates the loss of defense forces and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the basis of photos and videos of fixations, reports that the losses T-90m have overcome the mark in 100 cars. Real losses can be greater because not everything gets into the frame photo or video. Concerning the details of the loss, then: Ukraine has western tanks: four different versions of Leopard, Challenger 2 and Abrams.

If you make all the losses on Oryx, it turns out that the Armed Forces lost 51 Western machine, most of which were damaged, not destroyed. T-90M losses may not look so high if you look at the loss of T-72B3, which is lost 369 units or 584 T-80BV. However, this is evidence of a relatively small number of "props" in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Considering that T-14 "Armata" was decomposed for the Russian army, the T-90M is the most technological tank of the enemy.

At first it was expected that the T-90M would dominate the battlefield, but the losses show that the car did not become a real "break" on the battlefield. Learless and anti -tank means prove the defenselessness of the combat vehicle. The fighting in Ukraine showed critical vulnerability of the T-90m. In particular, Forbes Viewer David ACS writes that T-90M has a problem with the tower. During damage to mechanisms, it can start rotating uncontrollably.

This is what happened when the Ukrainian crew on BMP Bradley M2A2 fought in a duel with a Russian car. After a series of blows, 25mm Bushmaster II gun lost orientation, and the tower began to rotate uncontrollably. There are four versions that goes wrong with the T-90M tower: also the tank expert Mykola Salamakh has identified the weaknesses of the T-90M tank: Russian enterprises continue to work to improve the "gap".

In particular, on July 13, a T-90M sample of 2022 was shown at the Russian Federation. The tank has received a number of updates: each western tank in the realities of the Russo-Ukrainian War showed both advantages and disadvantages. For example, British Challenger 2 has a lack of weight in the form of a tank that can get stuck in the steppes where very viscous soil after the rains. American Abrams M1A1 have difficulty with a 1500 horsepower gas turbine engine.