
Russian hero or savior of Ukraine: Who will become speaker Johnson

The speaker of the House of Congress representatives, Michael Johnson, can make history as a rescuer of Ukraine and the world. Or maybe Putin's best ally is warned by lawyer and politician Gregory Wallens in a column for The Hill. In the movie "War of Charlie Wilson", based on George Krail's popular science book and the occupation of Afghanistan during the Cold War.

As dramatic in the film, Wilson visits a huge, poor Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan and realizes that Afghan Mujahideys are actually fighting for America against the Soviet Union. With the help of a rich and beautiful woman from Texas (Julia Roberts) Charlie assigns the funds that the Mujahideys are armed with modern weapons - with the help of her, they knock down Soviet helicopters and undermine Soviet tanks.

The Soviet Army is forced to degenerate from Afghanistan humiliating, and two years later the Soviet Union breaks down when the Cold War is coming to an end. It might seem like a fairy tale about the Cold War, but it really happened. Now that the military aid package of Ukraine and Israel is approved by the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson (Republican from Louisiana) is faced with a strict choice.

He can become a new Charlie Wilson, allowing you to bring a package of assistance to the House of Representatives, where it should be approved with the assistance of the speaker - and support Ukraine's struggle. Or he may refuse to vote, and in this case, Vladimir Putin may include him in the short-leaf of the heroes of the Russian Federation. The United States's refusal to military aid is likely to bring Putin a geopolitical victory for his life.

Its successful conquest of Ukraine will harm the main interests of American security. As one republican congressman stated: "We cannot allow Vladimir Putin to march through Europe, and we understand the need to assist. " Actually, this is what Johnson himself said a few months ago.

He also emphasized the need for changes in border policy, but then declared a two -party proposal to the Senate for "dead upon arrival" even before it came, and even though Senator Lindsey Graham (Republican from South Carolina) praised this proposal, which offers "real changes", which will allow to reduce the illegal crossing of the border.

Johnson understands how high rates in Ukraine are, but apparently afraid to go to Donald Trump and a handful of extreme republicans who vowed to make Johnson the former speaker of the House of Representatives if he will vote for the help of Ukraine. Johnson should sit down and watch the Charlie Wilson's War - or read the book of Kraila. They tell an inspiring story about how one congressman has become a legend and changed history.

In the film, after returning from the Afghan refugee camp, Wilson tells the agent of the CIA (Philip Seymour Hoffman) who saw children torn their hands because "they tried to pick up something brilliantly", that is, mines disguised as Russians under toys. "They rape women, stab pregnant women. " Charlie Wilson understood moral and geopolitical rates in Afghanistan. Not so much has changed since Wilson.

Today, the Russians fire Ukrainian maternity hospitals, rape Ukrainian women and steal Ukrainian children. The Soviet Union sought global dominance and reduction of American power. Russia, which is part of the informal alliance with China and Iran, seeks the same. Real Charlie Wilson noted that Afghanistan is "the only place in the world where freedom forces kill Russian soldiers.

" The forces of democratic Ukraine were killed or injured by more than 300,000 Russian soldiers without losing any American. Here is another way to think about the choice that Johnson faces: if he blocks Ukraine's help, and Putin is "marching Europe", the speaker will be able to attribute the prophetic condemnation to Churchill of cowardly appealing Nazi Germany in the 1930s: "You were given Choice between war and dishonor. You have chosen dishonor and you will have a war.