
Why is the event afraid of Russia's collapse? Cozy and secured world before the threat of world chaos

Many Ukrainians are amazed by the strong fear that they are in the West before the collapse of Russia. Economist Yuri Gaidai proposes to understand it by presenting all the nuances of a comfortable life in which there is a Western elite. I see many indignant, or causes genuine misunderstanding, why in the West they do not want the collapse of the Russian Federation, and even frankly afraid of it.

The event can be rationally counter -argument, erect logical constructions, appeal to history, but it will mostly go bad. To understand the event, it seems to me that you need to understand the specific politicians responsible for the international, for the economy, to understand the performers who prepare analytical briefs, advisers, business lobbyists for these politicians. Most of us are difficult to grasp how comfortable, cozy and, most importantly, the predictable world they live.

Oso elite private school, or prestigious boarding house. Further, the Faculty of Economics of Oxford, the Political Science in the Sons, the right in Harvard or Elie. The start of a career in Topov's lawyrm, consulting or investment. Somewhere in the university or first work - getting acquainted with your future wife/husband, also from a privileged family. Marriage in a family estate, which has been 300 years old. For your own, without pontoe, well, just so.

And on the walls the ancestry before the 7th knee, and none of them were shot by yo… no communists for refusing to head the collective farm or the City Council. Further PHD, local policy with the transition to national, or MBA and directorial/executive position in Corporate. Private home somewhere in the quiet area of ​​the capital, near the park and near the government/business center. Morning jogging/piercing/walking dog. A few cars in the garage.

Without unnecessary luxury, and it is advisable to be environmentally friendly, but you can some kind of sports or rare car for the soul. And for traveling to golf club or playing tennis on weekends. On vacation, you can on some pleasant island without casual people, or at least rent a yacht for the Mediterranean, or swim to the coast of Sweden, and stop there in lovely minimalist villas.

Friends, good acquaintances, classmates of your wife and tennis partners in key institutions and corporations, with one of them you studied at school. Therefore, by the way, at the beginning of your career you write in the summary of the first ribbon the name of your elementary school. It immediately tells you all that you need to those who do not know you, but can instantly make your social portrait. Charity evenings and artgals.

Birthdays of children with the invitation of their classmates and parents to barbecue. Children who also study at the right school and the further choice of educational institutions are already painted, donations to colleges and universities are planned, with deans you are also superficially familiar with the deans. Further construction of horizontal networks. Passive income from diversified investments - stocks, a couple of funds, a little neutigue, a retirement account.

The personal banker whose dad worked with yours and a reliable tax advisor. And here, approx…, the threat of nuclear apocalypse, the prospect of Cadyrivs with access to Druz, refugees from a hungry country with a population of 140 million, with washed brains, a tube of weapons in the hands, with a permanent epidemic of AIDS, tuberculosis, cases of anthrax. And well. It is not irony, and not superficiality to our Western partners.

They live so because they have learned much faster to play games with a positive amount, set and respect the rules, not CP*you at least where they live, appreciate science and entrepreneurship, they (mostly) released their imperial luggage in time so that it would not pull them To the bottom, old resarenties were laid and a supranational project was built instead of small town cuts. Well, with neighbors a little more lucky.