
Help during the war: Which of the Ukrainians can get new payments and what is required

Financial assistance is provided to Ukrainians from internally displaced persons with law. Various charitable organizations continue to assist Ukrainians since 2022 whose financial situation has worsened due to a full -scale war. In particular, citizens can now register for payments from the organization "Good hearts for Ukraine". True, lawyers who need money to treat, rent a home, or to solve their basic needs will be able to use financial assistance.

This was reported on the organization's website. To do this, you need to fill out the online questionnaire. The application will be examined by the Supervisory Committee of the Lawyers Support Program, after which, based on the information received from the applicant, it will be decided what amount of assistance will be issued to the applicant. The money will be paid to lawyers who have suffered from a full -scale invasion of Russian terrorists.

Yes, payments may apply: it is stated that you need to register for payments with certain documents. Namely, the applicants also need to report their personal data and provide confirming certificates. The organizers should be provided: it should be noted whether the applicant is a member of the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine. We will remind that in the UN from October the increased amount of assistance to Ukrainians affected by Russian aggression is paid.