
In the Lugansk direction, the Armed Forces fighters were struck by SuperCam drone operators (video)

In the area of ​​the settlement Varvarivka, a group of Russians came to pick up their UAV. At this point, the Ukrainian forces have struck. The fighters of the Defense Forces in the Luhansk region successfully impressed the operators of the Russian intelligence drone SuperCam. The operation was performed with the help of the Ukrainian drone of the 15th Separate Brigade of Artillery Intelligence "Black Forest". The video was posted on July 4 on the Facebook page of the Ukrainian unit.

The Ukrainian drone in the area of ​​the settlement of Varvarivka was tracked by a Russian SuperCam drone, which was used for aerial photography and creation of high -dietal digital maps. The drone operators waited for the moment the Russian military approached their drone to pick it up. At this point, the Ukrainian forces have struck a capacity, which resulted in several enemy operators.

According to the "miller" observers, the area where the attack occurred was protected by Russian air defense complexes (air defense). However, attempts to knock out the Ukrainian drone were unsuccessful. The video recorded a air defense missile, which flew past the Ukrainian UAV. Experts also reminded the characteristics of the Russian UAV. Supercam S350 drone that uses Russian forces designed for aerial photography, remote monitoring of terrain and facilities. It has a flight duration of up to 4.

5 hours and a range of information up to 70-100 km. The design of the drone is significant: the length of the device is 1. 5 meters, and the wingspan - 3. 5 meters, which requires special catapults for its start. "This is not the first case of the destruction of the operators of this model of drone. In 2023 in the Zaporozhye region, Ukrainian military eliminated the Russian calculation of SuperCam S350 drones," the observers summed up.