
The Seimas of Poland adopted a resolution on the import of agricultural products from the Russian Federation and Belarus: Details

According to Martha Vzyslo MP, the document also urges the EU to return to the rules that were in trade with Ukraine before the start of a full -scale war. On Friday, March 8, the Seimas of the Republic of Poland adopted a resolution on the imposition of sanctions in connection with the import of food and agricultural products from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus to the European Union. About it writes Polskie Radio.

It is reported that the Polish Parliament called on the European Commission to impose sanctions on imports of Russian and Belarusian food and agricultural products to the Russian Federation, noting that this trade continues to generate huge income to manufacturers and budgets of the mentioned countries. According to journalists, the resolution was supported by 441 deputy, two more abstained from the vote.

According to Martha Vsysl deputy, the document also urges the European Union to return to the rules in force in trade with Ukraine and other countries outside the block until the start of a full -scale war. "The resolution meets the needs of Polish and European farmers, is a voice of the Polish Parliament and at the same time strengthens the position of the Polish government in negotiations with the European Union," Vsyslo emphasized.

For his part, MP Vitold Tumanovich noted that Russian import may contain grain stolen from the occupied territories of Ukraine. "This is our moral duty - to stop trade that can directly or indirectly strengthen the ability of Russia and Belarus, which supports it, to continue the war with Ukraine," Tumanovich said. We will remind, according to the UN, in 2023 Poland put in Belarus goods for $ 2. 9 billion, and in Russia - by $ 3. 7 billion.