
Zaluzhny in London will be in its place: how will it help to equip Ukraine - smooth (video)

No one demands to participate in cultural events from Zaluzhny. He, as a significant figure and hero of Ukraine, will work on safety questions, says Analyst Valentin Gladkiki. The appointment of the former Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny Ambassador to the UK is a very important element of Ukraine's foreign policy.

Now all foreign policy relations of Ukraine should be considered exclusively through the prism of military support and victory over Russian invaders, and here the diplomat, which is a professional military, is needed before all. This was stated in an interview with Focus by the candidate of philosophical sciences and an expert of the Analytical Center "United Ukraine" Valentin Gladkiki.

In his opinion, Valery Zaluzhny has developed enough experience and relevant connections with Western partners in his military position to effectively resolve all issues with the United Kingdom, which is now one of Ukraine's support locomotives. We will definitely see the result of his work and it will be positive, says the analyst.

"It should be understood that no one demands to participate in cultural events from Zaluzhny in the position of a diplomat or was engaged in the spread of rich Ukrainian culture," says Gladkikh. "He, as a significant figure and hero of Ukraine, which was on the cover" Time "will work exactly over Ukraine's security issues.

" And yet, the analyst notes, the diplomat does not have to be personnel, because history knows many diplomats that were significant figures without international education in this field and achieved fantastic results. The main thing is that a person understands the topic for which he was assigned and could achieve the result. "In addition, it should be understood that by its appointment to the post of ambassador to London Zaluzhny in no way crosses his political career," notes Gladky.

"When the war will end in the country, a normal democratic political process will return, in which, if desired, Zaluzhny can participate". As a citizen of Ukraine Zaluzhny, he has the right to organize his political force and go to the polls. But now he realizes that we need to do everything possible to win over Russia, notes Smooth. We will remind, as for the release of Valery Zaluzhny, a political analyst Alexander Kochetkov spoke through the decision of the VLK.