
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation attacked in Sumy region: DPSU explained what forces the enemy dropped

The forces of defense monitor the actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation near the Sumy region, assured the spokesman of the SPSU Andriy Demchenko. So far, saboteurs are trying to penetrate the Ukrainian territory to bring Russian rockets, for example. The units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation tried to break through the border in the Sumy region, but only diversion and intelligence groups operated.

The main goal of the enemy is not so much to promote Ukraine as clarifying the positions of defense forces. Andriy Demchenko spoke about the details of the situation in Sumy region in Sumy region. Demchenko explained that as of July 18, Russian troops were really active at the border of Sumy region. According to him, this activity is still smaller than it was before. Applications on the network about a breakthrough in the direction of three villages, Chuikivka, Rozhkovichi and Little, are not true.

In fact, there were no combat clashes, instead tried to penetrate Russian saboteurs, the official said. "At the same time, it should be understood that the certain activity of the enemy saboteurs is of course maintained, but much smaller than it was before," he said. The SPSU spokesman also called the tasks of Russian DRGs that penetrate the border in Sumy region. First, they identify the location of the combat units of the defense forces.

Secondly, Russian means of destruction on the necessary goals. Third, diversions against Ukrainian fighters are committed. "Our warriors understand this threat, so they do everything they need to prevent the attempts on the event of saboteurs," Demchenko summed up. On the night of July 18, reports of Russian troops in Sumy region appeared on social networks. The message was posted on the social network X (Twitter) by the author, who writes under the nickname "Senior Sergeant".

The post is called three villages, which Demchenko mentioned. According to the author, first the Russians conducted artillery training, beaten from mortars, and then went forward with sabotage and intelligence groups. Ukrainian command in the report as of 8 hours. On July 18, she did not write about Chuikivka, Rozhkovichi and Little, where the Russian DRG operated.

The post states that the enemy really "retains military presence" near the border, shoots, launches saboteurs, but does not move forward. Earlier, Focus talked about another attempt by the Russians to break through the border in Sumy region. The event took place on June 11. In Roszm, reports on the actions of the "Kadyriv" units in the village of Ryzhkivka appeared: they allegedly occupied the settlement.