
Normandy landing - 80 years. Will the West Open the Second Front against Russia and what is afraid

On June 6-8, solemn ceremonies will be held in France in honor of the planting of allied troops in Normandy in June 1944. 25 heads of state and governments arrived, the Russian delegation was not invited. Whether such a step of allies of Ukraine testifies to the intention of defeating the Russian Federation in the actual third world, found out the focus.

The United States is in no way related to the decision of France to refuse to invite Russia to commemorative measures on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of allies of allies in Normandy, said John Kirby National Security Coordinator at the White House National Security Council. "As far as I know, it was a decision made by the French government. We respect this decision," he said.

It should be noted that on April 16, La Mission Libration, which is organized by the event, said in a comment by Le Figaro that Russia will receive an official invitation to the ceremony. The organization also said that the invitation will not extend to Vladimir Putin, who was present on the 70th anniversary of landing in 2014.

At the same time, at the end of December 2023, French President Emmanuel Macron suggested that Putin could be invited to celebrate the 80th anniversary of allies of allies in Normandy. The condition for this French leader called peace talks on Ukraine. Meanwhile, the director of the first European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Artem Studenkov, which is quoted by Roszma, said the following: "We have not received the invitation.

Perhaps the organizers have changed their minds or" advised "to change". Today our relations with former allies from the anti -Hitler coalition, including France Not out of our will are at their lower point. " The Russian diplomat also stressed that "the decisive role in the defeat of the military machine of the Third Reich was played by the Red Army and the Soviet people, without stability and heroism of which would not be any" second front ".

In the context of the current Russian-Ukrainian war, the opinions of experts regarding the fact Can 80 years later open a new "Second Front" against the Russian Federation is somewhat different in form, but very similar in meaning. But they are actually metaphysical speculation, because the tools were then involved in others. However, what is happening today is an attempt to revenge the Russian Federation for defeat in the confrontation.

All this is still in the format of Russia's confrontation against even the West, but the civilized world and its norms, principles and regulations, "the political scientist Valentin Gladkiki emphasizes in conversation with focus. World order and tries to unite all other destructive forces around him, which are also interested in destroying this world order. We cannot say that a block has formed on the side of the Russian Federation, if you do not take into account Taliban or Hezbolla.

Even the same Iran tries to distance it from it, at least officially. China is also formal, but still tries to adhere to some neutrality. That is, the collision of two blocks is not referred to, since there are those who require Russia to comply with the rules and the Russian Federation, which believes that it is allowed. And I would not have to use the definition of "Allies of Ukraine" in this context. They are not on the side of Ukraine, but on the side of civilized norms of coexistence.

But the dialectic here is that defending these rules, without helping Ukraine, it is impossible to a priori, "the political scientist notes. In his opinion, today everyone is trying to avoid direct clashes with the Russian Federation through fear of exiting beyond conventional weapons and as a result - a nuclear catastrophe. The fact is that you can achieve the goals of different tools, for example, by deconstructing the current political regime in Russia.

But again, everyone is afraid of Russian collapse and the strengthening of radicalism there. After all, we do not think that a liberal democracy suddenly arises in Chechnya if current Russia collapses? So. Therefore, as one of my colleagues said, the power of Russia today is in its weakness. That is, there is fears so that there is no avalanche. In addition, there is fear that China will increase due to the weakening of Russia, "Valentin Gladkikh notes.

The expert is convinced that we are unlikely to see the discovery of some" second front "in a militaristic sense against Russia," but we do not need it especially. " "We will suit us if we are provided with the necessary tools, both in the battlefield and in the diplomatic sphere.

That is, if they continue the sanction pressure on Russia, they will support the diplomatic efforts of Ukraine, including the close of peace that is approaching, as well as providing economic, and most importantly-military and technical assistance, "Valentin Smooth sums up. In turn, political scientist Petro Oleshchuk.

The focus makes the following accent: "Today is not that it is not about opening a" second front "against Russia, on the contrary-they try to avoid this at any cost because of fear of what is called escalation in the West. Therefore, the only realistic option I see is that Russia itself can decide to aggression against NATO member states. " For all, this will happen in some hybrid way, which does not exclude shelling, exposure of reconnaissance and diversion groups, etc.

When they are attacked by whom they consider part of their world, "then the logic will be different. " That is, Ukraine should be preserved, it does not need to be occupied, but it also does not need to be warned with Russia in NATO, "Petro Oleshchuk emphasizes. It is because of the indecisiveness of the event in the Russian-Ukrainian war, in the opinion They fired by US ships, Iran first made an open missile attack on Israel, and China declares that Taiwan's independence will be powerful.

And frankly, I feel that until a new Pearl-Garbor will change, "Petro Oleshchuk summarizes anything. The fact that the Russian representative should be there. That is, the leaders of the Union states have refused to be near Russia's representative and this testifies to the general mood of partners in the light of Russian aggression against our country, "-said political scientist Igor Chalenko in conversation with focus. , but "lacks political will".

If our allies move away from the policy of controlled escalation and do what we need directly for the victory of Ukraine, then, of course, we can even think about strategic success, " - emphasizes the expert. Meanwhile, emphasizing that there is nothing in our time The unrealistic, including the discovery of the "second front" against the Russian Federation, Igor Chalenko summarized: "Any issues of unreality are set by the heads of states, drawing new and new ephemeral red lines.

But in fact, it all depends on what is ready to go to this or that country. And if someone is not ready today, it does not mean that such readiness will not appear tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The current dynamics of assistance to Ukraine shows that everything is possible. But if the allies would not have a political will, we would continue the offensive campaign after Kharkiv and knock out the Russians in 2022, " - said Igor Chalenko.

The political scientist believes that the lack of political will of the Allies is connected with their" absolutely unjustified fear before By Russia, which is built on the myths of the Soviet Union, the invincible of the Russians and the reality of the threat from the nuclear state. "Meanwhile, the expert, not even inviting the Russian Federation to Normaniac events," is a certain alarming bell for the Russian authorities.