
Even after refusal to deliver: Finland will have to pay for the Russian Federation for gas - the media

According to journalists, the Finnish State Company Gasum entered into a contract with Gazprom based on the principle of "take or fees". In such an agreement, the buyer must buy or pay in a pre -determined amount of gas, even if the supply is not accepted. If Finland stops gas imports from the Russian Federation, she still has to pay for at least a few years. About it writes Yle on November 17.

The article states that the ban on the import of Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG), promised by the Finnish Minister of Environment and Climate Kai Mukquanen, may be "absolutely useless". It is reported that the Gasum Finnish State Administration has entered into a contract based on the Gazprom Gasprom Gasprom on the principle of "beer or fees" with the Russian oil and gas group.

Such transactions are widespread in energy trading and provide that the buyer buys or pays a predetermined gas volume or pays it, even if the supply is not accepted. According to journalists, termination of the contract and stopping deliveries are possible in the case of force majeure. In particular, sanctions or import banis may be. At the same time, it can take a long time with the prohibition on import.

"According to our most wing assumption, the ban will come into force in a few years," Mukkyanen said. According to energy experts, the purchase of LNG is usually signed by long contracts. Between European countries, such agreements are usually concluded for a term of five to ten years. So, this year, Gasum reported to reporters that its contract with Gazprom is long -term and is calculated for several years.

We will remind, in Bulgaria, since mid-October 2023, the tax on import and transit of pipeline natural gas from Russia, which is $ 11 per megawatt-hour, began to operate. In this way, the authorities want to increase the state budget revenues and reduce the revenues of the Russian Federation. For its part, Lithuania has passed a law that provides for a ban on the import of Russian liquefied natural gas since November.